Term 4, Week 6

From the Principal

Dear Parents,

Wow, what a busy week we’ve had.

We have had Year 4 and Year 5 both on very exciting excursions. Year 5 to Bolla Creek National Park and Year 4 to Wattamolla Beach. Both classes I am informed were fantastically behaved, represented our school so well and had a great time learning about the Earth’s environment; sustainability, bushfires and the amazing world that we live in.

Our year 5/6 basketball teams also did a wonderful job on Monday of representing our school. We had great skill and sportsmanship on display throughout the day. Our Year 3/4 basketballers are representing the school on Monday and we wish them the very best of luck. 

Our classes have been busy completing some end of year assessments as well, in the lead up to reports. Assessment is an ongoing process that occurs each day in our classes. It is still important to ensure we know exactly what each child can do. With this information it assists us in reporting on all the areas and giving you as parents as much information about your child’s progress as possible. 

Meanwhile Kindergarten have been participating in their swimming classes with great gusto and enthusiasm. Mrs Stevens and Miss Lord have informed me that they are doing so well in applying all of the skills that they are learning and they are super swimmers!

With three weeks to go in the school year, I’d just like to encourage all of our students to finish well! If we see the last three weeks of every year like an off switch, we end up losing 21 weeks of school over our primary journey! Nearly half a year’s worth of learning. Although the temptation is to wind down, students need to keep bringing their best to all tasks, being kind to each other and listening to feedback from their teachers. Our students are doing a great job at this, as my predecessor Miss Spence would always say “we have the best students in the universe”. How true. 

Finally, I’d just like to apologise to any families who have had trouble contacting the school this week, we have had an NBN outage that affected our phone lines and internet at times. We had to divert phones to our admin team’s mobile phones, but this has now been removed and we are very hopeful that it is all sorted. Thanks for your patience with this. 

My door is always open.

 Joe Britton 

Lunch Order!

Our Term 4 Lunch Orders! Thank you again to Georgette and her team for providing this service to our school community.

Please see below the menu and associated links for you to order lunches.

22 November : Chicken Burger with option to remove lettuce or mayo with or without a drink (Click Here)

29 November : Sausage Sizzle with or without a drink (Click Here)

6 December : Chicken Tenders and Chips with or without a drink (Click Here)

A reminder our orders close on Tuesdays at 11am.

If you have any questions, please email or speak with Mrs Jordaan (pa@hpcs.nsw.edu.au).

Year 4 had fun at Wattamolla!

On Thursday, Year 4 went to Wattamolla for an adventurous excursion. Whilst we were there, we got to see great sights and explore the world by looking closely at the flora and fauna of Wattamolla. We learnt about the preservation and protection of the environment. We got to experience first hand God’s beautiful creation and the best part is that we got to do it together as a class. We are better equipped now when it comes to looking after God’s beautiful planet after going on the excursion. 

Year 5 is on fire!

As part of their Geography unit this Term, on Thursday 16th November, students from Year 5 went on an excursion to Bola Creek in the Royal National Park. Our students explored areas affected by bushfires in Sydney and identified the extent of disasters, assessing the impacts on native vegetation and the damage caused to communities. They also learned how people can prevent and minimise the effects of a bushfire in emergency situations.

Year 6 Fun Day!

Year 6 is getting ready to host our annual HPCS Fun Day!

Date: 29 November 2023
Dress Code: Come dressed in their Disney best!
Games Tickets Link: Games Tickets

Lunch orders will run as usual. Small Hot Chips available on the day for $5.

All money raised will be going to supporting students and families at Lendy Park Christian School in Zimbabwe.

Students of the Week

Congratulations to the following students for receiving Merit Awards this week:

Makaylla Tovia for trying her best in class this week!
Ava Solomon for showing christ-like behaviour through caring for others.
Kathlyn Stephen for consistently showing our school values!

Year 1
Serenity Leuea for being a diligent learner.
Xavier Gomez for consistently displaying our school values.
Bradley Dening for excellent batting and bowling skills in cricket. 

Year 2
Max Wollo for taking responsibility for his learning.
Oscar Cortes for editing his narratives to include more relevant details.
Ana Clara Goncalves Ribeiro for responding positively to feedback and improving her work.

Year 3
Jasiah Wihare for being a kind, giving and gentle student.
Isabella Grech for the attention to detail she applied to all tasks.
Joshua Dening for increasing his confidence to contribute to class discussions.

Year 4
Patrick O’Brien for his accuracy and speed in Maths.
Josephine Kromah for her outstanding effort in handwriting.
Gustavo Orofino for writing descriptive sentences.

Year 5
Princess Janaiah Hular for persistence in classroom activities.
Levi Kaufmann for his helpfulness on our excursion.
Elizabeth Odanye for her knowledge on our excursion.

Save the Dates: Upcoming Dates

20 November: CSSA Junior Primary State Basketball GD
22 November: Kindergarten Swimming Lessons
23 November: Stage One Excursion to Warragamba
24 November: Kindergarten Graduation Chapel
29 November: Year 6 Fun Day
30 November: Year 6 to Jamberoo
7 December: Year 6 Graduation Dinner
8 December: Year 6 Presentation and Graduation Chapel
8 December: Term 4 Ends