From the Principal
Dear Parents,
I hope you had a great week.
I had two highlights this week that I wanted to share. Firstly, yesterday I walked around and went and saw what all of our clubs were doing. One of our clubs is making musical props and I saw all of the students so engaged and excited about painting Sea Urchins, dolphins and various other animals for the musical. It was great to see them working together, laughing and enjoying contributing to the school but also doing something that interested them. I also loved seeing the sign language club and seeing them know so many amazing Auslan actions. One student told me that they wanted to be an interpreter when they are older, so they can help people who are deaf. How awesome is that?
I also loved getting down to the Ridge on Monday to watch our sports teams play. Our Netball teams passed and shot wonderfully, although most of our juniors had really never played before, it was so good to see them running around and playing so well as a team. Our seniors won a number of their games and our superstar shooter Toakase Moala, was impossible to stop up forward!
Our junior soccer team were runners up, narrowly losing the final and should be proud of their efforts. Our senior soccer team triumphed and beat Regents Park 3-1 in the final, to claim the Division crown. Congratulations to them and to their coach Mr Mattos. I was most proud of these students, we had 7 or 8 players who really wanted to play, but 4 or 5 who weren’t sure but joined in as we needed the numbers to field a team. It was great to see how they all worked together so well, encouraged each other and how everyone contributed to the team’s success. By about halfway through the day, they loved it. I spoke to them during the day and reminded them that not all of us have to be the star players, and teams are built on people who just do their best, are consistent and serve each other. This is why I love our students competing in sports, not because I am desperate to beat Regents Park (although I am), but rather because sport gives us the opportunity to develop character, grow and work together for a common cause.
Help next weekend
Next weekend our school is hosting a dance studio on Saturday and Sunday in the Gym for their Mid Year Concert. We are running a BBQ to raise money for new playground equipment. If you could spare an hour or two next weekend, and help at the BBQ, I would be so grateful. Please email if you can help.
After Chapel next week:
Next week after Chapel one of our parents will be putting the donations of clothes that I spoke about last week together. If you do need any clothes, please come and grab something. My thanks to the generosity of the community once again.
Semester Two Reports are being emailed out to you next Friday. Occasionally, they do seem to make their way to the junk inboxes.
Parent Teacher Interviews:
A reminder for those who have not booked in for Parent Teacher Interviews that it would be great to see you there!
Prayer Points:
Please keep Mrs Drayton in your prayers as her Father went to be with the Lord this week. We look forward to seeing her soon.
My door is always open,
Joe Britton
Lunch Orders
Our Term 2 Lunch Orders are open! Thank you again to Georgette and her team for providing this service to our school community.
Lunch orders will take place every Friday for Term 2, starting Friday the 10th of May 2024.
If you would like to volunteer and help out with the lunch order preparations, please be so kind as to email Mrs. Jordaan.
Please see below the menu and associated link for you to order the lunch orders for the term.
28 June: Rice with meat and chicken with or without a drink (Click here)
5 July: Sausage Sizzle with or without a drink (Click here)
A reminder our orders close on Thursdays at 11am.
If you have any questions, please email or speak with Mrs. Jordaan (
Volunteers Needed for Musical Props.
Our musical rehearsals are underway and we would love your help! We are looking for some parent helpers who would be interested in preparing props (cutting/painting/building/paper machè-ing) and/or sewing costumes. If you are skilled in this area, and willing to volunteer some time, please contact so that we can get you involved in this process.
We would like to congratulate all our students who participated in the Netball and Soccer Gala Day on Monday 17th of June. We are very fortunate to have had 54 students participate.
Our Senior Soccer team won their division and our Junior Soccer Team were the runners up.
We had 4 students who participated in an inter-school chess challenge at Cabra-Vale Diggers Club on Tuesday 18th June. They were among 96 other primary school students who competed.
Thank you to all the coaching staff for your support this term .

Newspapers needed.
We are full steam ahead preparing for this year’s musical. If you have any newspapers that you can donate to the school, please be so kind as to bring them to the front office or hand them to Mrs Auckett in the library.
Parent/Teacher Interviews.
We will be having our parent/teacher interviews on Tuesday 2nd July and Wednesday 3rd July 2024 in the school gym.
The interviews will be held between 2pm and 7pm. Please book a 15 min slot for your child by clicking here.
Normal school hours will apply on these days and the buses will run as usual.
We look forward to meeting with you.
Students of the Week
Congratulations to the following students for receiving special the “Best and Fairest” Sports Awards:
Senior Boys Soccer Team: Tyler G.
Junior Boys Soccer Team: Boaz K.
Senior Girls Netball Team: Toakase M.
Junior A Girls Netball Team: Neriah P.
Junior B Girls Netball Team: Naiya A.
Congratulations to the following students for receiving Merit Awards this week:
Kindergarten – S
Joshua F. for great participation in all taskas!
Scripture-Rae L. for displaying our school values of respect and kindness!
Kindergarten – G
Ethan K. for great participation in our Maths lessons.
Aaliyah Z. for taking on teacher feedback positively to improve work.
Year 1
Livia T. for improved reading in Reading Groups.
Benjamin T. for excellent compound sentences.
Christina E. for thoughtful and kind prayers in class devotions.
Year 2
Ahavee S. for always presenting her work with pride.
Louise C. for her thoughtful contributions to class discussions.
Nathaniel M. for great work in constructing sentences with similes.
Year 3
Caleb C. for his pantastic effort in handwriting.
Mia E. for her hard work in Reading Groups.
Elijah F. for great effort in learning how to type with correct form.
Year 4
Oriana P. for her amazing effort in Soundwaves.
Olivia G. for always working collaboratively.
Year 5
Iolana T. for a brilliant display of sportsmanship at the Netball Gala Day!
Agatha L. for an excellent effort in Reading!
Azaria A. for an outstanding effort in Maths!
Year 6
Nomuna T. for a terrific use of figurative language in her writing.
Lovee S. for having a great learning attitude when learning to multiply decimals.
Pen Licences:
Marcus C.
Save the Dates: Upcoming Dates
24 June: Musical Rehearsals
27 June: 100 Days of Kindergarten
27 June: Stage 1 excursion @ Australian Museum
28 June: KS Chapel
01 July: Musical Rehearsals
02 July: Parent /Teacher Interviews
03 July: Parent /Teacher Interviews
05 July: KG Chapel
05 July: End of Term 2