Term 4, Week 2

From the Principal

In the fast-paced, highly competitive world we live in, it’s easy to get caught up in the relentless pursuit of winning. I believe that nurturing the minds and hearts of our students goes hand in hand with instilling values such as sportsmanship and kindness. These virtues are especially crucial in the realm of competitive sports and activities, where the pressure to succeed can sometimes overshadow the importance of character development. 

While striving for excellence is admirable, overcompetitiveness can lead to detrimental consequences. When winning becomes the sole objective of things, it can foster an environment where unethical behavior and an unhealthy desire for victory take center stage. This is not the path we want for our children.

Research shows that overcompetitiveness can have several negative impacts on young minds:

1. Stress and Burnout
2. Loss of Perspective:
3. Diminished Relationships

I say this as I’ve noticed our kids playing together and more and more the desire for winning seems to be central to how they are interacting. Whilst it can be healthy to have some form of desire and wanting to win, a win-at-all costs mentality is not one that we ever want to take root in our children. Our teachers are working well with our students to instead look at it from the point of view of having sportsmanship.

Sportsmanship is a cornerstone of any healthy, competitive environment. It involves not only playing by the rules but also exhibiting respect, fairness, and kindness towards opponents. When sportsmanship is prioritised, winning is put into the context of ethical and personal growth, rather than just obtaining a trophy.

Our value of the term is excellence, but it involves doing our best, not winning! Let’s keep encouraging our kids in this area.

My door is always open,

Joe Britton 

Lunch Order!

Our Term 4 Lunch Orders! Thank you again to Georgette and her team for providing this service to our school community.

Please see below the menu and associated links for you to order lunches.

25 October : Mac and Cheese Pasta with or without a drink (Click Here)

1 November : Sausage sizzle with or without a drink (Click Here)

8 November : Cheeseburger with or without a drink (Click Here)

15 November : Chicken, Lettuce and Mayo Wrap with or without a drink (Click Here)

22 November : Chicken Burger with option to remove lettuce or mayo with or without a drink (Click Here)

29 November : Sausage Sizzle with or without a drink (Click Here)

6 December : Chicken Tenders and Chips with or without a drink (Click Here)

A reminder our orders close on Tuesdays at 11am.

If you have any questions, please email or speak with Mrs Jordaan (pa@hpcs.nsw.edu.au).

2024 School Travel Applications.

2024 School Travel Applications are now open. If you apply now it will start from the beginning of the 2024 school year.

The only students who need to apply are:
– New students
– Students who will start using public transport in 2024
– Year 3 2024 students who will be catching public transport
– Students who will be going to high school by public transport

All the information and application forms can be found https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ScZozDDBhV1-WmLYJEPi7FJlplZXDAvz?usp=sharing

Grandparent’s Day

We are very excited for Grandparent’s Day.

Date: 26 October 2023
Time: 09:30
Place: HopePoint Christian School Assembly Area

Looking forward to seeing all your grandparents.

Students of the Week

Congratulations to the following students for receiving Merit Awards this week:

Tim Vu for Applying his knowledge of patterns in Maths!
Benjamin Taulani for showing courage when answering questions in class!
Ivy-Storm Wihare for excellent blending in Reading!

Year 1.
Alexis Slabacu for fantastic reasoning in persuasive writing.
Nathaniel Morris for a consistent effort in all subjects.
Helena Oliveira for brilliant spelling application in writing.

Year 2
Nathaniel Ma of connecting multiplication, fraction and division in Maths.
Rosie Gorman for applying similes and metaphors in her narratives.
Isaac Portugal Arrais for showing joyfulness and enthusiasm for learning.

Year 3
Rai Barnes for being a co-operative student during group activities. 
Marcus Cortes for working well and applying himself to all tasks.
Benjamin Guimaraes for his excellent attitude and  participation in Music

Year 4
Dylan Lemelia for his excellent effort in Writing.
Mason Mattson for his willingness in overcoming fears in Drama.
Tahlia Mossawer for her impressive and consistent results in Spelling.

Year 5
Lovee Santos for her creative writing task.
Nomuna Tserentogtokh for her kindness and helpfulness in class.

Year 6
Allyssa Abdennour for an outstanding effort in Reading.
Zephi Yongai for a brilliant effort in Maths!
Arthur Orofino producing exceptional drawings in Visual Art!

Save the Dates: Upcoming Dates

20 October: Year 3 Chapel
25 October: Kindergarten Swimming Lesson
26 October: Grandparents’ Day
27 October: Kindergarten Chapel
27 October: Year 6 Incursion – Sydney Opera House
27 October: 2024 Kindergarten Orientation Day 1
1 November: Kindergarten Swimming Lesson
2 November: 2024 Captains Speeches
3 November: Year 2 Chapel
3 November: 2024 Kindergarten Orientation Day 2
6 November: 2024 Captains Interviews
8 November: Kindergarten Swimming Lesson
10 November: Year 1 Chapel
15 November: Kindergarten Swimming Lessons
16 November: Year 5 Excursion – Bushfire
16 November: Year 4 Excursion – Wattamolla
17 November: Year 5 Chapel
22 November: Kindergarten Swimming Lessons
23 November: Stage One Excursion to Warragamba
24 November: Kindergarten Graduation Chapel
7 December: Year 6 Graduation Dinner
8 December: Year 6 Presentation and Graduation Chapel
8 December: Term 4 Ends