Term 3, Week 4

From the Principal

Dear Parents,

I hope you’ve had a good week. As you would be aware if you have been reading the newsletter in previous weeks, you would know that our book week is next week! You will be receiving a note from Mrs Auckett today with all of the details. There will be an authors visit, a book fair, some parents coming into read to students, and of course our annual book parade. 

Learning is a joyful experience, and this year’s Book Week promises to be an event that truly embodies that spirit. I hope that book week is a springboard for our students to really get excited about reading.

Here are just a few benefits of reading everyday:

  • improves brain connectivity.
  • increases your vocabulary and comprehension.
  • empowers you to empathize with other people.
  • aids in sleep readiness.
  • reduces stress.
  • lowers blood pressure and heart rate.
  • fights depression symptoms.
  • prevents cognitive decline as you age.

One of my favorite quotes is the “future readers become the future leaders”, let’s all work together and get our kids enjoying reading. 


To our Oztag teams, for their outstanding sportsmanship and application at yesterday’s Oztag gala day. A special thanks to James Coorey for giving up his afternoon to help our team train, it is much appreciated.

Another congratulations to Kindergarten who celebrated their hundred days of Kindergarten this week. It was great to have all of the Kindy parents in the classroom and doing 100 days themed activities. How amazing is it to see all of the growth in these students.

My door is always open.

Joe Britton 

Lunch Orders

Our Term 3 Lunch Orders! Thank you again to Georgette and her team for providing this service to our school community.

Please see below the menu and associated links for you to order lunches.

23 August 2023 – Cheeseburger with or without a drink (click here)
30 August 2023 – Sausage on a roll with or without a drink (click here)
6 September 2023 – Chicken burger with lettuce and mayonnaise with or without a drink (click here)
13 September 2023 – Napolitana Pasta/Chicken Tender with or without a drink (click here)
20 September 2023 – Five chicken nuggets and chips with or without a drink (click here)

A reminder our orders close on Tuesdays at 11am.

If you have any questions, please email or speak with Mrs Jordaan (pa@hpcs.nsw.edu.au).

A big thanks from The Knitting Club!

The Knitting Club wants to thank everyone that brought knitting needles. We now have enough to have a very successful knitting club. We would love to invite any parent or close relative who want to volunteer on Thursdays from 13:45 to 14:30, to join our exciting team!

Ready, Set, Label!

As per week 2’s newsletter we are looking forward to partnering with another Christian school in Zimbabwe. The school is called Lendy Park Christian school. The school faces many difficulties, from rats in buildings, to challenges with water supply etc. However, the main challenge is the economic situation and children can’t go to school unless they can pay and this means many families are not able to send their children.

As previously mentioned, our partnership will include a fundraiser. We will do this over the next two terms to help send a child to school, who wouldn’t be able to go without our assistance. 

We found a fun and effective way for us to benefit while we raise funds to help ensure we are making a positive impact and supporting a family in Zimbabwe.

We will be using OZ Labels for our fundraising. OZ Labels designs and creates name stickers for children and adults. These stickers can be used to label books, clothing, pencils, bottles, lunchboxes and so much more. They offer a variety of packages to choose from.

If you would like to order please use the following link and fundraiser code:

Fundraiser Page: https://www.ozlabels.com.au/  
Fundraiser Code: FRS1524

Thank you!

Get your costumes ready!

Book week will be held from August 21st to 25th.  We are looking forward to our special visit from Joanie Flowers, author of Morrie and Strings and the Brekky-in-Bed Invention. There will also be a mystery story reader visiting each class to share their own well-loved stories with the children.  It is time to get your costumes ready for our annual Book Parade, with a $15 voucher as the prize given to the student in each class for the costume showing the most creativity.


Congratulations to the Solomon family on the birth of their son Ezra Solomon. What a blessing!

Students of the Week

Congratulations to the following students for receiving Merit Awards this week:

Gabriel Birello for showing leadership skills during Maths group.
Alice Fernandes for showing respect at all times!
Hezekiah Eliu for his enthusiasm during devotions and worship.

Year 1
Isaac Kaufmann for an enthusiastic approach to learning.
Lis Ferreira Cortes for an increased confidence and class participation.
Serenity Leuea for fantastic passing skills in basketball.

Year 2
Rosie Gorman for showing enthusiasm and humility in all learning activities..
Isaac Portugal Arrais for great improvement in his spelling.
Lavina Tuiala for her imagination in narrative writing.

Year 3
Mia Crolla for working hard and listening carefully at all times.
Jackson Ekmekjian for always giving things a go and trying his best.
Aurora Francis for participating well in our reading lesson.

Year 4
Toakase Moala for her diligence and creativity in writing .
Ellena Tuivuya for her outstanding application in Sport.

Year 5
Laura Costa for her efforts in constructing sentences.
Levi Kaufmann for expressing himself clearly in learning tasks.

Year 6
Diezel Slabacu for an outstanding effort in Science. 
Benjamin Skinner for being an enthusiastic and conscientious learner .
Emelina Ma for an outstanding effort in Geography.

Save the Dates: Upcoming Dates

21-25 August: Book Week
25 August: Kindergarten Chapel
24 August: Book Parade Dress up Day
30 August: Fathers Day Stall
1 September: Year 6 and Fathers Day Chapel
6-8 September: Year 4-6 Camp
11-15 September: Dental Visit
15 September: Year 5 and Camp Chapel
22 September: Club Chapel
22 September: Term 3 Ends