Term 3, Week 2

From the Principal

Today at Chapel, I announced a new partnership we are starting with a school overseas. 

Something that has been on mine and some of the teacher’s hearts lately, is to make a connection with a Christian school overseas. I believe doing this will have a positive impact on our kids. I want our students to see beyond themselves, view Christian Education as something that is impacting others overseas and also to see that the world is a global place. It can be very easy for us to get stuck in our little bubbles and forget how blessed we are to live in a wonderful country, be able to come to school and have access to many of the things we take for granted. 

We’ve found a school to start a connection with in Zimbabwe. The school is called Lendy Park Christian school, it is in a town called Marondera about two hours from the capital city. The school is similar to ours, around 40 years old and started by Christian parents who wanted a distinctively Christian Education for their children. The school faces many challenges, from rats in buildings, to difficulties with water supply etc. However, the main challenge is the economic situation in the country, the country is in a state of hyperinflation and unemployment is at 90%. Unfortunately, children can’t go to school unless they can pay and this means many families are not able to send their children.

Our partnership will extend to the following areas:

  1. We will write some letters to the school and introduce ourselves and our school to the students. 
  2. There will be opportunities for our teachers to help the teachers at the school with technology and access to professional development.
  3. Finally and perhaps most importantly, we will do some fundraising over the next two terms to help send a child to school, who wouldn’t be able to go without our assistance. 

This is not about raising millions of dollars, just a small amount that will help ensure we are making a positive impact and supporting a family overseas that will change their lives, in giving access to education. We will talk further about the ways in which we will do this shortly.

We’ve appointed two new staff members: 

Mrs Annemi Jordaan, who will be my PA.
Mrs Shanice Fyvie who will join as a part time administrative assistant. 

Please welcome them if you see them.

Zone Athletics:
Good luck to our amazing 32 athletes representing the school at the Zone Athletics on Monday, we are very proud of you.

My door is always open

Joe Britton 

Lunch Orders

Our Term 3 Lunch Orders return NEXT WEEK! Thank you again to Georgette and her team for providing this service to our school community.

Please see below the menu and associated links for you to order lunches.

9 August 2023 – Chicken, lettuce and mayonnaise roll with or without a drink (click here)
16 August 2023 – Cheese pizza with or without a drink (click here)
23 August 2023 – Cheeseburger with or without a drink (click here)
30 August 2023 – Sausage on a roll with or without a drink (click here)
6 September 2023 – Chicken burger with lettuce and mayonnaise with or without a drink (click here)
13 September 2023 – Napolitana Pasta/Chicken Tender with or without a drink (click here)
20 September 2023 – Five chicken nuggets and chips with or without a drink (click here)

A reminder our orders close on Tuesdays at 11am.

You would have also received an email this week with an offer to purchase the orders for the term in bulk. Theses orders have now closed. A reminder that if you ordered this way and your child is absent on any Wednesday in the term, we will be unable to offer any refunds for the day.

If you have any questions, please email or speak with Mrs Jordaan (pa@hpcs.nsw.edu.au).

The Knitting Club Needs Your Help!

Knitting Club needs your help! We are hoping to start knitting with some students this term in clubs. If you have knitting needles between the size of 4mm to 8mm that we can borrow, please send them to school with a name on it, and we will make sure it gets back to you safe and sound at the end of the term. Thank you so much!

Students of the Week

Congratulations to the following students for receiving Merit Awards this week:

Eliza Koutellou for a pleasing effort in reading.
Harvey Schofield for sharing imaginative ideas in writing.
Benjamin Ramos Rodrigues for a super effort in writing.

Year 1
Elizabeth Giorgi for consistently displaying the school values.
Serenity Leuea for excellent class participation.
Nathaniel Morris for brilliant mathematical thinking. 

Year 2
Joseph Coorey for his eagerness to attempt challenging tasks.
Hannah Giang for her efforts and dedication in all learning areas.
Alhiz Sepulveda Mamani for showing kindness to others at all times. 

Year 4
Josephine Kromah for her consistent effort in Maths.
Hanniel Wirawan for his humility and diligence in learning.
Lais Balzano for writing full sentences in English. 

Year 5
Princess Hular for showing kindness to others.
Nomuna Tserentogtokh for showing kindness to others.

Year 6
Arthur Orofino for an outstanding effort in writing a narrative
Domenico Giorgi for a brilliant effort playing Oztag for sport
Chloe Rizk for always demonstrating the school values

Save the Dates: Upcoming Dates

11 August: Year 3 Chapel
15 August: Year 3 Excursion to ANSTO
16 August: 100 Days of Kindergarten Celebration
17 August: CSSA OzTag Gala Day
18 August: Year 1 Chapel
21-25 August: Book Week
25 August: Kindergarten Chapel
24 August: Book Parade Dress up Day
30 August: Fathers Day Stall
1 September: Year 6 and Fathers Day Chapel
6-8 September: Year 4-6 Camp
11-15 September: Dental Visit
15 September: Year 5 and Camp Chapel
22 September: Club Chapel
22 September: Term 3 Ends