Term 4, Week 7

From the Principal

Dear Parents,

There will be no update this week. Please refer to the HPCS Staffing Changes document for all updates about our staff for 2024.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.

My door is always open.

 Joe Britton 

Lunch Order!

Our Term 4 Lunch Orders! Thank you again to Georgette and her team for providing this service to our school community.

Please see below the menu and associated links for you to order lunches.

29 November : Sausage Sizzle with or without a drink (Click Here)

6 December : Chicken Tenders and Chips with or without a drink (Click Here)

A reminder our orders close on Tuesdays at 11am.

If you have any questions, please email or speak with Mrs Jordaan (pa@hpcs.nsw.edu.au).

Celebrating Kindergarten Graduation: A Proud Milestone Achieved!

It is with immense joy and pride that we gather to celebrate a significant milestone in the journey of our Kindergarten class – their graduation! This morning, the air was filled with excitement and a sense of accomplishment as we celebrated the wonderful achievements of our class. As we watched each graduate receive their well-deserved certificate, we couldn’t help but reflect on the incredible growth, curiosity, and resilience they’ve shown throughout the year.

To the parents, friends, and family who joined us on this special occasion, we extend our gratitude. Your support has played a crucial role in the success of these young learners. Thank you again. Mrs Stevens”

Splashes of Success at Blue Water Swim School!

Our Kindergarten class recently delved into an exciting series of swimming lessons at Blue Water Swim School. Amidst giggles and enthusiastic splashes, our young learners embraced the water, gaining invaluable swimming skills and honing essential water safety know-how.

The engaging sessions not only focused on developing each child’s swimming proficiency but also instilled a strong foundation in water safety. From confident kicks to playful paddles, our Kindergarteners had a wonderful time navigating the pool under the guidance of skilled instructors.

Well done, Kindergarten We are so proud of your growth and achievements! Mrs Stevens.

Year 6 Fun Day!

Newsletters has been sent home this week with all the information for the fun day.

All tickets to participate in the Fun day next Wednesday, needs to be purchased before 12:00 pm on the 28th of November.

Date: 29 November 2023
Dress Code: Come dressed in their Disney best!
Games Tickets Link: Games Tickets

Lunch orders will run as usual. Small Hot Chips available on the day for $5.

All money raised will be going to supporting students and families at Lendy Park Christian School in Zimbabwe.

Students of the Week

Congratulations to the following students for receiving Merit Awards this week:

Christian Everett for engaging in discussions and answering questions thoughtfully!
Taylor Park for welcoming challenging tasks with enthusiasm and confidence!
Victoria Elgueta for showing a genuine interest and understanding of Bible stories.

Year 1
Ulzii Tserentogtokh for being an excellent team player.
Moa Filiai for great improvement when reading aloud.

Year 2
Riley Isip for applying her critical thinking skills in Reading Comprehension.
Aubree Cifuentes for trying her best and using correct techniques in cricket training.
Hannah Mesquita De Oliveira for using adverbs to enhance her sentences.

Year 3
Willow Schofield for her neat and organised approach to all learning tasks.
Micaiah Nguyen for his insightful contributions to class discussions.
Guilherme Magalhaes for working hard and making good attempts with his reading.

Year 4
Bryan Schreiner for challenging himself in his learning.
Ellena Tuivuya for her determination in reaching writing goals.
Toakase Moala for her efforts and skills at the Basketball Gala Day.

Year 5
Jonathan Koutellou for his hard work in cricket 
Isabella Prochuk for steadily improving her maths skills
Mia Stergio for her attempts in all Maths tasks

Year 6
Domenico Giorgi for an outstanding effort in creative writing.
Jonathan Esho for a brilliant effort displaying his skills playing cricket.
Diezel Slabacu for a excellent effort in Maths.
James Borg for trying his best when creating his BODMAS card game for Maths.

Save the Dates: Upcoming Dates

24 November: Kindergarten Graduation Chapel
29 November: Year 6 Fun Day
30 November: Year 6 to Jamberoo
1 December: Christmas Chapel
7 December: Year 6 Graduation Dinner
8 December: Year 6 Presentation and Graduation Chapel
8 December: Term 4 Ends