Term 1, Week 1

From the Principal

 Dear Families,

Welcome Back!
A warm welcome back to all our families, and a special welcome to new families and our wonderful Kindergarten students who are starting their journey with us this year. We’re so glad to have you all as part of the HopePoint community.

As a school, we have a special theme every year. In 2024, we Dove Deep, in 2023, we Lifted Off! This morning at Chapel, I introduced our theme for the year: “Walking Together”. This year, across the school, we are focusing on kindness, inclusion, and looking out for one another. I reminded the students that if someone asks you to play, the answer is always a joyful “Totally, yes!” Playing with someone doesn’t necessarily lead to a lifelong friendship, but it does give us the opportunity to share a little bit of our world with them. At the same time, playing with others comes with the responsibility of showing the qualities that make us enjoyable to play with! 

Just as importantly, God invites us to walk with Him and to walk alongside others with compassion and love. Walking together isn’t always easy in a community—sometimes, people irritate us, and different personalities, expectations, and views can get in the way. But God calls us to unity, reminding us to treat one another with kindness and respect.

I’d like to thank everyone for their support and express my sincere appreciation for your diligence in adapting to the updated pick-up times. I know it’s been a small adjustment, but it’s an important step in ensuring we continue to provide the best care for our students.

We would like to share some updates from around the school:

  1. The Library and the old Uniform Shop have been divided, with the Library on one side and the Year 3 classroom on the other.
  2. The Uniform Shop has relocated to the front of the Homestead.
  3. The Staff Room has moved to the Homestead, making room for a new Learning Support space.

OOSH and Bus Communication
Thank you to the families making great use of the OOSH service — it’s been fantastic to see it well-utilised.
A friendly reminder to families using the bus service: please ensure communication around bus use is clear and timely with Mrs Drayton (school@hpcs.nsw.edu.au).

Coffee Cart
Please note that the coffee cart will only be open on Fridays from now on. 

You would have received an important email yesterday covering a range of key updates — please take a moment to review it if you haven’t yet. The email also includes information about your child’s class teacher.

We are now using a new app called Toddle to share a snapshot of what our students have been learning in class, this is replacing Seesaw. We are aware of some access issues, on Monday we will be sending students home with a note that will have the QR code and each family’s access code.

New Staff
We are delighted to welcome seven new staff members to HopePoint Christian School this year:

  • Mr. Misikos joins us from Carinya Christian School in Tamworth, he’ll be teaching 1 Green.
  • Miss Thomas comes all the way from Halswell School in New Zealand, she’ll be teaching Year 6.
  • Mrs. Robson joins us from Panania Public School, she’ll be teaching 4 Green. 
  • Mrs. Lisa Truong, our new Principal’s PA, comes to us from Thomas Hassall Anglican College, while Mrs. Jordaan transitions from the PA role to Registrar.
  • Mr. Andrew Drayton will lead our new Year 4-6 Band Program on Mondays, offering students the chance to learn concert instruments and participate in music tuition. With over 30 years of experience leading concert bands, Andrew brings incredible expertise. Our 4-6 parents will be sent some information in the next few weeks about this opportunity for those interested.
  • Mrs. Andrea Silva has joined us to support our growing Portuguese-speaking community, which now makes up 15% of our student body, ensuring these students have access to quality learning. She will be working on Tuesdays and Thursdays. 
  • Miss Shanae Norton, our school counsellor, will be working one day a week to support students who need additional wellbeing support. She brings valuable experience from her private practice work with children.

For the last 44 years, our school has been delivering quality Christian education, and I know that in our 45th year as a community, we will continue to see our students thrive and God glorified in all things. My prayer is your family would have a blessed year ahead. 

My door is always open.

Mr Joe Britton

Lunch Orders

Our Term 1 Lunch Orders are open! Thank you again to Georgette and her team for providing this service to our school community.

Lunch orders will take place every Friday for Term 1, starting Friday the 7 February 2025.

If you would like to volunteer and help out with the lunch order preparations, please be so kind as to email Mrs. Truong.

Please see below the menu and associated link for you to order the lunch orders for the term, please note every lunch order will come with a drink.

Week 2, 7 February – Sausage Sizzle with Ice cream/Block

Week 3, 14 February – Chicken, lettuce, and mayo roll (Order here)

Week 4, 21 February – Cheese Burger (Order here)

Week 5, 28 February – Rice with meat and chicken (Order here)

Week 6, 7 March – Sausage Roll and a piece of fruit (Order here)

Week 7, 14 March – Kafta meatballs, potatoes with rice in red sauce (Order here)

Week 8, 21 March – Chicken Burger (Order here)

Week 9, 28 March – Hot Dog (Order here)

Week 10, 4 April – Chicken Nuggets (Order here)

Week 11, 11 April – Sausage Sizzle with Ice Cream/Block. (Order here)

A reminder that our orders close on Thursdays at 11am.

If you have any questions, please email or speak with Mrs. Truong (pa@hpcs.nsw.edu.au).

Happy News

Hannah M. is a big sister! Congratulations to Jamile and Luiz on the arrival of little Evie, born on January 15th. She is absolutely gorgeous! We will be keeping your family in our prayers during this special time.

Students of the Week

Congratulations to the following students for receiving Merit Awards this week:

Kayson H. for showing resilience on his first day of Kindergarten.
Mila A. for excellent responses during class discussions.

Lucas S. for listening attentively in the classroom.
Jeremiah K. for being a thoughtful and helpful member of the Kindergarten class.

Theodore W. for showing a consistent and positive attitude towards learning.
Amilia C. for a great effort in Maths.

Lucca V. for being a great listener in class.
Sylvi P. for working faithfully in class.

Yr 2
Gabriel B. for an outstanding effort in writing.
Victoria E. for amazing participation and engagement.
Oscar B. for demonstrating kindness to others.

Yr 3
Justin I. for contributing insightful ideas in class discussions.
Julia A. for creating a detailed poster on how to be safe, respectful learners at HPCS.

Mia E. for an enthusiastic approach to all she does.
Caleb C. for showing kindness to new students.

Rosie G. for a fantastic holiday recount.
Hannah M. for a fantastic holiday recount.

Yr 5
Olivia G. for showing great focus and attentiveness in class.
Steven R. for consistently completing his tasks well.
Willow S. for her thoughtful contributions to class discussions.

Yr 6
Meyana-Miracle N. for outstanding effort.
Hanniel W. for outstanding effort.

Save the Dates: Upcoming Dates

7 February: Year 5 Chapel

12 – 24 March: NAPLAN

12 February: HPCS Swimming Carnival @ Wentworthville (Yr 2-6)

14 February: 4 Blue Chapel

21 February: Year 3 Chapel

28 February: Year 2 Chapel

7 March: 1 Blue Chapel

14 March: K Blue Chapel

21 March: 4 Green Chapel

28 March: 1 Green Chapel

4 April: K Green Chapel

11 April: Easter Chapel and Hat Parade