Term 4, Week 1

From the Principal

Welcome back to Term 4,

I pray you all had a great holiday and you were able to spend some time with your children over the break. It seems like HopePoint students were everywhere! I had some time in Moree and ran into two students on the Central Coast at McDonalds at 9.30 at night! I also spent some time down the South Coast and saw one of our students near the beach down there! It was lovely to see some students all around our beautiful state! 

Our value for the term is excellence, I’ve been thinking a lot about excellence lately and what that looks like in our school, Excellence is not perfection. Perfection is not a Godly or realistic attribute to aim for as Christians. Excellence is then not about winning a race, or getting an award or receiving a trophy. Rather it is more about our own ability and using the gifts that God has given us to give our best in the areas he has called us to. I see excellence when I see our students give their very best in a Maths lesson on fractions, when students make small but important improvements in reading or whether they are learning more complicated sewing techniques. I loved what Pastor Warren said at Chapel this morning, what we allow into our lives always flows out of our lives. When we are allowing good things (excellent things) into our lives then out of that flows excellence. I pray that as a school we would all be known for a spirit of excellence, not because we are perfect but that we do our best with what God has given us. 

Grandparents Day:
For the first time we are having a special morning for our Grandparents. The date is Thursday the 26th of October. A flyer will go home next week.


To the Leuea (Serenity, Year 1) family on the birth of their baby boy Eliadai-Junior. Congratulations also to the Ikhinobele family (Isreal, K) on the birth of their boy.

My door is always open.

Joe Britton 

Lunch Order!

Our Term 4 Lunch Orders! Thank you again to Georgette and her team for providing this service to our school community.

Please see below the menu and associated links for you to order lunches.

18 October : Cheese Pizza with or without a drink (Click Here)

25 October : Mac and Cheese Pasta with or without a drink (Click Here)

1 November : Sausage sizzle with or without a drink (Click Here)

8 November : Cheeseburger with or without a drink (Click Here)

15 November : Chicken, Lettuce and Mayo Wrap with or without a drink (Click Here)

22 November : Chicken Burger with option to remove lettuce or mayo with or without a drink (Click Here)

29 November : Sausage Sizzle with or without a drink (Click Here)

6 December : Chicken Tenders and Chips with or without a drink (Click Here)

A reminder our orders close on Tuesdays at 11am.

If you have any questions, please email or speak with Mrs Jordaan (pa@hpcs.nsw.edu.au).

Congratulations and Thank You!

We would like to congratulate Mr Britton on this birthday this past Saturday. We pray a year full of love and blessings for you and your family. May you be guided by God in every step you take and may you grow to love Him even more in every passing year.

We also have the pleasure of congratulating Mr Britton on his one year anniversary as our principal. We notice every effort you make to empower our students to be who they truly are in God’s image. Thank you for being a leader we can look up to. We are looking forward to having you for many more years to come.

Students of the Week

Congratulations to the following students for receiving Merit Awards this week:

Roman Lopez for showing maturity and leadership skills!
Levi Sim for always working hard in class!

Year 1.
Louise Campos Ferreira for a motivated start to Term 4.
Ava Hackathorn for excellent inferencing in Reading.
Aleksa Kuzmanovski for fantastic participation in Spelling.

Year 2
Gabriela Salinas De Castro for giving thoughtful responses in whole class discussions.
Caleb Christian for making a conscious effort to improve the presentation of his work.
Hope Kontominas for her dedication to levelling up in Reading and Writing.
Valentina Cvetkov for her improvement in addition and subtraction.

Year 3
Estevao Ribeiro Cavalcante for trying his best in Writing. 
Jackson Ekmekjian for showing the spirit of excellence in class. 
Alannah Theodore for working well in Maths.

Year 4
Hanniel Wirawan for his thoughtful answers and explanations in Drama.
Azaria Abdennour for independently overcoming new challenges in Maths.
Lucy Watling for her confidence and excellence in Drama.

Year 5
Patrick Moran for his diligence in completing artworks.
Ruby-Jade Wihare for her persistence in Maths lessons.

Year 6
Lukas Sepulveda Mamani for an outstanding contribution to discussions in PDH.
Chloe Rizk for producing a well written narrative in Creative Writing.
Emelina Ma for producing an exceptional project about Asia for Geography.

Save the Dates: Upcoming Dates

13 October: Year 4 Chapel
20 October: Year 3 Chapel
25 October: Kindergarten Swimming Lesson
26 October: Grandparents’ Day
27 October: Kindergarten Chapel
27 October: Year 6 Incursion – Sydney Opera House
1 November: Kindergarten Swimming Lesson
2 November: 2024 Captains Speeches
3 November: Year 2 Chapel
6 November: 2024 Captains Interviews
8 November: Kindergarten Swimming Lesson
10 November: Year 1 Chapel
15 November: Kindergarten Swimming Lessons
16 November: Year 5 Excursion – Bushfire
17 November: Year 5 Chapel
22 November: Kindergarten Swimming Lessons
23 November: Stage One Excursion to Warragamba
24 November: Kindergarten Graduation Chapel
7 December: Year 6 Graduation Dinner
8 December: Year 6 Presentation and Graduation Chapel
8 December: Term 4 Ends