Term 3, Week 8

From the Principal

Dear Parents,

I hope and pray you had a good week.

Thank you to the parents of years 4-6 who have shared emails of thanks from Camp that have come through to me. I’ve forwarded many to our teachers. 

Last week is yet another one of those experiences where I feel HPCS kids are privileged to be afforded these incredible experiences. To be clear, it’s not just the experiences of the camp, but rather the way in which our teachers worked to ensure that what we were doing had a unique culture of care, unity, dedication, spirituality, respect, and much fun thrown in.

Leadership Structure:
I communicated to our Year 5 parents this week about some changes we are making to our Year 6 leadership model for next year. If you are interested in reading about some of these changes please click here: Student Leadership Positions

Pancake fundraiser:
Next Friday will be our fundraiser for Lendy Park Christian School, in Zimbabwe. I wrote to you earlier this term and described the difficult situation that they are facing and the small part we will play to support them. Pancakes are $10, plus a drink and fruit cup. It would be great if you could support this initiative, a note for our students has gone home today. 

I wanted to say a big thank you to Ava Hackathorn in Year 1, who showed amazing generosity to our school. She saw a handball go over the fence on Wednesday and the next day, bought three new handballs to donate to the school- it was an incredibly thoughtful and generous action. 

Last Week:
This will be the last newsletter of the term. As we look forward to two weeks away from the routines and pressures of the school timetable, I take this opportunity to remind you of the importance of Playtime, Downtime and Family Time for every primary school student, every day. If you’ve not managed to incorporate these three important times into your family, perhaps this break might be a good time to make some new routines, in order to do so.

My door is always open.

Joe Britton 

Lunch Order!

Our last Term 3 Lunch Order! Thank you again to Georgette and her team for providing this service to our school community.

Please see below the menu and associated links for you to order lunches.

20 September 2023 – Five chicken nuggets and chips with or without a drink (click here)

A reminder our orders close on Tuesdays at 11am.

If you have any questions, please email or speak with Mrs Jordaan (pa@hpcs.nsw.edu.au).

Uniform for Last Week of Term!

Parents, due to the anticipated high temperatures next week, it will be acceptable for your children to wear full summer uniform to school for the last week of term. Please note, they should be in full summer uniform, not a mix of winter and summer uniform. Please contact the office if you have any questions.

Change Over to Summer Uniform!

Just a reminder that we will be changing to summer uniform and sportswear from the first day of Term 4, Monday 9 October 2023.

Summer uniform:
Dress: green check (when kneeling, the hem should
touch the ground)
Cardigan: bottle green with School crest
Shoes: black leather Clark’s style
Socks: white anklets (above the shoe line, wholly
covering ankles – no sports socks)
Hair Accessories: black, white, or bottle green only

Shorts: grey gabardine school shorts (no short
stubbies or cargo type)
Shirt: open necked white short sleeve
Jumper: bottle green with School crest
Shoes: black leather Clark’s style
Socks: short grey socks (plain school grey with no logo
or stripes) – no sports socks

For any uniform questions or orders please contact Mrs Drayton at the front desk on (02) 9726 5106 or school@hpcs.nsw.edu.au to make your appointment.

Year 4 to 6 School Camp!

We have a variety of lost property that was brought back from camp last week. If you find anything missing, please speak to Mrs Drayton at the front desk.

If you would like to see how much our students did and enjoyed the camp click on the link to see some of the camp photos : Camp 2023

Students of the Week

Congratulations to the following students for receiving Merit Awards this week:

Levi Sim for always being willing to help others!
Ivy-Storm Wihare for showing patience and kindness to others!

Year 1.
Ava Abdulbaki for fantastic defending in basketball.
Moa Filiai for increased confidence and participation.

Year 2
Gianna Birello for her gentleness and discernment with others.
Henrique Marques Barrozo for using figurative language in writing.
Caleb Christian for showing an eagerness to help others.
Ana Clara Goncalves Ribeiro for participating in whole class discussions.

Year 3
Jaxson Slabacu for listening very well during class discussions. 
Jonatas Barreto Sena for trying his best to complete classwork. 
Isabella Grech for always being willing to help others in need.

Year 4
Leon Poposki for asking insightful questions in class.
Yan Ferreira Cortes for his maturity during groupwork.
Azaria Abdennour for achieving her goals in Maths.

Year 5
Aiden Christian for his engagement in Geography lessons
Tyler Gatsi for being a good group member 
Isabella Prochuk for her informative text on making chocolate
Hannah Khoury for her persistence in Maths

Year 6
Zephi Yongai for having an enthusiastic attitude at camp.
Jonathan Esho for being a great help at camp.

Save the Dates: Upcoming Dates

22 September: Club Chapel
22 September: Pancake Day
22 September: Term 3 Ends
9 October: Term 4 start
9 October: Change to summer uniform