Term 3, Week 6

From the Principal

Dear Parents,

There has been lots of set up and excitement for our musical on Thursday and Friday next week. Thanks in advance to everyone who has been working tirelessly around the clock. I am sure it will be a wonderful experience, celebrating our school and our students. 

I have attached a note from Mrs Britton and Mrs Davila, which includes all of the pertinent final details. In the busyness and the task oriented nature of all of this. It is important for all of us to remember that these two nights are about our students getting up, having a go and having fun, celebrating the arts and also celebrating the gifts that our students have been blessed with.  They are also a wonderful opportunity to develop creativity, confidence and collaboration! 

As I mentioned this morning at Chapel, we are nearly sold out on Thursday night. There will be no standing room, we are only selling as many tickets as we have seats. We have nearly 400 people already attending on Thursday night. I know some families are still yet to buy tickets, thinking that there will be an opportunity to do so on the night. This may not be possible, particularly on Thursday night. So please purchase your tickets ahead of time, I do not want anyone to miss out!

As you are aware, generally we love having our little ones run around and have fun. It is part of the fabric of who we are as a community. However, on the night, please support the performers in ensuring that toddlers are kept in their seats. If you are unsure if your young child/ren can be quiet for a 50 minute performance, it is better that you find seats up the back, as there are quiet moments with singular dialogue that our budding actors have been rehearsing for the past 5 months and need complete silence for. Having young children myself I know the difficulty in this and I do apologise for any inconvenience. However, we must support our students to be able to give their very best performance and part of that is ensuring our audience is quiet and still as much as possible. The aisles and the area in front of the stage are used throughout the musical. Leaving your seat and going into one of the aisles or in front of the stage is not allowed. We have a professional photographer on both nights and we will make the images available to all. 

Please note, there will be no homework sent home next week. 

Thank you so much for your support.


A reminder that next week, students can wear either Summer or Winter uniform, not a combination of both. After next week we are transitioning to summer uniform.

See you on Thursday and Friday night!

My door is always open,

Joe Britton 

Lunch Orders

Our Term 3 Lunch Orders are open! Thank you again to Georgette and her team for providing this service to our school community.

Lunch orders will take place every Friday for Term 3, starting Friday the 2nd of August 2024.

If you would like to volunteer and help out with the lunch order preparations, please be so kind as to email Mrs. Jordaan.

Please see below the menu and associated link for you to order the lunch orders for the term.

Week 7, 13 Sept: Chicken burger with or without a drink (click here)

Week 8, 20 Sept: Ham, cheese and tomato sandwich with or without a drink (click here)

Week 9, 27 Sept: Sausage Sizzle with or without a drink (click here)

A reminder our orders close on Thursdays at 11am.

If you have any questions, please email or speak with Mrs. Jordaan (pa@hpcs.nsw.edu.au).

One More Week To Go!!

We are very excited to announce that our Musical ticket sales are now live.

You can access the tickets for the 12th and 13th of September by clicking here.

Come and support all the hard work our students have put in to make this musical come to life.

There will be food available before the musical, so come hungry!

Summer Uniform Changeover.

We will have one week of uniform changeover, starting next week, Monday 9 September . During this week your child can either wear the full summer uniform or the full winter uniform.

The following two weeks, starting Monday 16 September, children will wear full summer uniform only.

If you need any uniform items, please email uniforms@hpcs.nsw.edu.au to make a uniform appointment with Ms. Hilton.

Students of the Week

Congratulations to the following students for receiving Merit Awards this week:

Kindergarten – S
Elijah S. for his kind, gentle and Christlike attitude towards others!
JJ T. for his amazing effort in the School Musical!

Kindergarten – G
Jude G. for demonstrating a deep understanding of the symbolism of colours in the book.
Tina B. for demonstrating an excellent understanding of odd and even numbers through the use of manipulatives.
Ella W. for showing great enthusiasm and dedication during musical practice.

Year 1
Gabriel B. for fantastic Maths Mentals knowledge.
Elysse M. for improved fluency and comprehension skills when reading.
Livia T. for consistently displaying our school values.

Year 2
Melissa B. for being a dedicated and focused learner.
Nathaniel M. for his enthusiasm in Maths lessons.
Ahavee S. for her diligence and creativity in writing.

Year 3
Aubree C. for presenting her book work neatly.
Mia I. for demonstrating great throwing and catching skills in PE.
Hannah D. for het focus and effort in Soundwaves lessons.
Valeti T. for contributing great ideas in PDH, on how to include others.

Year 4
Aurora F. for her thorough research in Geography.
Neriah P. for her interesting quick facts in Writing.
Boaz K. for his outstanding skills in Oz Tag.
Aya K. for her kind heart and actions towards other.
Zach F. for his amazing Maths work.

Year 5
Emily H. for consistently producing work to an outstanding level.
Josephine K. for a brilliant effort in using the area model in Maths.
Jonathan G. for producing amazing artwork in Visual Arts.

Year 6
Levi K. for excellently managing his responsibilities in class and with the musical. 
Ivonna K. for her patience and openness to learning.

Save the Dates: Upcoming Dates

09 September: Musical Rehearsals
09 September: Uniform Changeover Week
12 September: Musical Showcase
13 September: Musical Showcase
13 September: No Chapel
16 September: Summer Uniform
18 September: Year 4 – 6 Camp
19 September: Year 4 – 6 Camp
20 September: Year 4 – 6 Camp
20 September: KS Chapel
27 September: KG Chapel
27 September: End of Term 3