Term 3, Week 3

From the Principal

Dear Parents,

As you know we have quite a large Brazilian community in our school. I wanted to firstly send a big hug to all of these families. I was very saddened to hear of the plane crash that happened in Sao Paulo earlier this week, and the amount of people that passed away. I know of at least one family in our school, who had relatives on board. Please join me in praying for that family and everyone involved. 

Book Week:

A separate note went out today about book week. We always have great fun and our students will be participating in a range of activities, it is always a wonderful week as our students celebrate reading. On Thursday all students can come dressed as their favourite book characters, all of you are invited to our book parade at 9.00am. A reminder that we are a proudly Christian school, without me sending out an exhaustive list of what is and isn’t appropriate.


Our Musical is in full swing with less than a month to go. Students are expected to be at school for both nights with the arrival time roughly at 5.30pm, a final confirmation will be sent out shortly. Our cast and staff are working so hard, I know it will be an awesome two nights of celebrating our students and our school. 

My door is always open,

Joe Britton 

Lunch Orders

Our Term 3 Lunch Orders are open! Thank you again to Georgette and her team for providing this service to our school community.

Lunch orders will take place every Friday for Term 3, starting Friday the 2nd of August 2024.

If you would like to volunteer and help out with the lunch order preparations, please be so kind as to email Mrs. Jordaan.

Please see below the menu and associated link for you to order the lunch orders for the term.

Week 4, 23 Aug: Pasta and red sauce with or without a drink (click here)

Week 5, 30 Aug: Sausage Roll with or without a drink (click here)

Week 6, 6 Sept: Rice with chicken and meat with or without a drink (click here)

Week 7, 13 Sept: Chicken burger with or without a drink (click here)

Week 8, 20 Sept: Ham, cheese and tomato sandwich with or without a drink (click here)

Week 9, 27 Sept: Sausage Sizzle with or without a drink (click here)

A reminder our orders close on Thursdays at 11am.

If you have any questions, please email or speak with Mrs. Jordaan (pa@hpcs.nsw.edu.au).

Musical Ticket Sale is live!!!

We are very excited to announce that our Musical ticket sales are now live.

You can access the tickets for the 12th and 13th of September by clicking here.

Come and support all the hard work our students have put in to make this musical come to life.

There will be food available before the musical, so come hungry!

Book Parade.

A note has been sent home regarding book week, next week.

Each class will visit the book fair and will be able to create a wish list. We will have our book parade on Thursday 22nd of August, all parents are welcome to join at 9am.

State Athletics Carnival.

Congratulations to Toakase M., Joshua D. and Benji R. who will be representing the school at the Sate Athletics Carnival held on Friday 23 August 2023.

We are very proud of each one of you.

Hopepoint Playtime.

Hopepoint Church runs a playgroup every Friday from 10am to 12pm. All parents and children (0 years to before Kindy) are welcome. The cost is $5 per family per week, this includes morning tea for the whole family.

The two hours include free inside play, story time, morning tea and outside play.

If you would like to join please click here to register. For any additional information, please contact Jennifer at jennifer@hopepointchurch.org.au.

Everyone is welcome!

Students of the Week

Congratulations to the following students for receiving Merit Awards this week:

Kindergarten – S
Lamees K. for willingness to help and serve others!
Scripture-Rae L. for outstanding effort in Writing!
Arthur P. for applying new skills in his writing!

Kindergarten – G
Raegan H. for being resilient during Sport.
Aaliyah Z. for engaging thoughtfully in class discussions.
Jael F. for using adjectives to describe her ” floof” character.

Year 1
Tim V. for fantastic handwriting
Makaylla T. for her willingness to help and serve others
Ari K. for demonstrating excellent dance skills during musical practice

Year 2
Ulzii T. for always trying his best with completing all classwork.
Tai C. for working fairly with others in group tasks.

Year 3
Joseph C. for working productively with peers in partner tasks.
Isaac P. for using correct vocabulary when describing maps.
Dioven B. for being a focused learner in reading groups.
Valentina C. for sharing great ideas on how to show empathy to others.

Year 4
Estevao R. for his effort in segmenting words.
Lilia A. for her effort in her Geography project.
Jaxson S. for using mental strategies to give correct change un Maths.
Jackson E. for his consistently good results in spelling tests.

Year 5
Lucy W. for an excellent effort in producing a narrative
Iolana T. for an excellent effort in Sport
Gustavo O. for a brilliant effort in all subjects!

Year 6
Julia T. for her excellent book work presentation.
Enzo. for consistently putting in the effort to complete all tasks diligently.
Princess H. for handling challenges with maturity and patience.

Save the Dates: Upcoming Dates

19 August: Musical Rehearsals
19 August: Book week
20 August: Book week
21 August: Book week
22 August: Book Parade
23 August: Book Week
23 August: Year 2 Chapel
23 August: State Athletics Carnival
26 August: Musical Rehearsals
30 August: Father’s Day Chapel
02 September: Musical Rehearsals
06 September: Year 1 Chapel
09 September: Musical Rehearsals
12 September: Musical Showcase
13 September: Musical Showcase
13 September: No Chapel
18 September: Year 4 – 6 Camp
19 September: Year 4 – 6 Camp
20 September: Year 4 – 6 Camp
20 September: KS Chapel
27 September: KG Chapel
27 September: End of Term 3