Term 3, Week 3

From the Principal

I spent the last three days at the Christian Schools Australia National Leaders summit. Where I heard from a range of experts both nationally and internationally regarding some key issues facing Christian Schooling. 

While there are many issues facing our schools worldwide, there is this clear and united commitment to remaining true to our core values. Interestingly, around the world, Christian schools that stay true to their missional aims, are experiencing tremendous success, not only in terms of enrolment growth but also in spiritual formation of their students and in the type of communities they are able to foster. A school experience that seeks to “put God in a box” is one trap that many Christian schools fall into, in the sense that we limit our faith to a Chapel service on a Friday (I know that our school doesn’t). However, it was a timely reminder that our faith expression is one that should naturally permeate all areas of our school, not just the ones that are explicitly “Christian”. I saw a great example of this last week in Year 4. They were out planting trees, sharing, collaborating, talking, thinking about the environment and being good stewards. In some schools, this may have been merely tree planting and fun. However, I loved how Year 4 understood the richness of the experience and how in itself it was an act of worship as it was framed from a place that saw all truth and all learning as learning more about the world that God has created. As they shared their experiences of this lesson at Chapel, the community were also able to learn. As much as God is in the big moments of spiritual formation, he is also in the intangible moments that happen every day in our classrooms.

Book week

There are many things to be excited about this term. One event I am particularly excited about is our book week activities coming up in a few weeks.  This year we have decided to have our book week in line with everyone else’s rather than at the end of the term like we have previously. Many of the activities, Mrs Auckett has got planned I know the students will benefit greatly from. A rough schedule is listed on the next page.


To all of our zone competitors who represented the school so well at Monday’s Zone Athletics Carnival. A special congratulations to Toakase Moala, who came 1st in the 8-10 years discus, and Elizabeth Odanye who came 3rd in the 10 years 100m. There were several other competitors who came in the top 10, congratulations to everyone who participated so well.

My door is always open.

Joe Britton 

Lunch Orders

Our Term 3 Lunch Orders! Thank you again to Georgette and her team for providing this service to our school community.

Please see below the menu and associated links for you to order lunches.

9 August 2023 – Chicken, lettuce and mayonnaise roll with or without a drink (click here)
16 August 2023 – Cheese pizza with or without a drink (click here)
23 August 2023 – Cheeseburger with or without a drink (click here)
30 August 2023 – Sausage on a roll with or without a drink (click here)
6 September 2023 – Chicken burger with lettuce and mayonnaise with or without a drink (click here)
13 September 2023 – Napolitana Pasta/Chicken Tender with or without a drink (click here)
20 September 2023 – Five chicken nuggets and chips with or without a drink (click here)

A reminder our orders close on Tuesdays at 11am.

If you have any questions, please email or speak with Mrs Jordaan (pa@hpcs.nsw.edu.au).

The Knitting Club Needs Your Help!

Knitting Club needs your help! We are hoping to start knitting with some students this term in clubs. If you have knitting needles between the size of 4mm to 8mm that we can borrow, please send them to school with a name on it, and we will make sure it gets back to you safe and sound at the end of the term. Thank you so much!


Congratulations to all the athletes who represented our school well at the Zone Athletics on Monday. We are very proud of each one of you.

Book Week is Coming!

This year we are excited to announce that we are holding our Book Week celebrations in Week 5 (August 21st – 25th).  A number of fun events are being planned for the week, including a special visit from Joanie Flowers, author of Morrie and Strings and the Brekky-in-Bed Invention. There will also be a mystery story reader visiting each class to share their own well-loved stories with the children.  And of course, we will be having our annual Book Parade, with a prize given to the student in each class for the costume showing the most creativity. The prize will be a  $15 voucher to be used at the Book Fair  which will run on Thursday and Friday. 

Students of the Week

Congratulations to the following students for receiving Merit Awards this week:

Victoria Elgueta for always showing respect and kindness to school.
Ezekiel Wilson for excellent effort in Writing.
Ava Solomon for showing excellence in Reading.

Year 1
Ulzii Tserentogtokh for improved handwriting.
Melissa Baroni for excellent work in Maths.
Emily Plowes for a studious approach to learning.

Year 2
Naiya Abdulbaki for her creativity and expression in writing a narrative.
Emanuelle Peirera Dos Anjos for her persistence in problem solving with number lines.

Year 3
Marcus Cortes for consistently following our school values.
Willow Schofield for her positive attitude towards learners.
Rai Barnes for writing detailed sentences in her recount.
Boaz Kaufmann for being a respectful and cooperative student.
Zach Fleming for his great attitude towards learning.
Isabella Grech for working well and applying herself to tasks.

Year 4
Mason Mattson for his insightful ideas in persuasive writing.
Azaria Abdennour for her growing confidence in Maths.
Iolana Tuiala for her development in active participation. 

Year 5
Elizabeth Odanye for superb effort at the Zone Carnival.
Jason Alam for a consistent effort in all subject areas.

Year 6
Ronny Alam for his excellent effort at Zone Athletics. 
Ella Tobar for an outstanding effort in Sport.
Sofia Gomez for showing resilience and respect towards others .

Save the Dates: Upcoming Dates

11 August: Year 3 Chapel
15 August: Year 3 Excursion to ANSTO
16 August: 100 Days of Kindergarten Celebration
17 August: CSSA OzTag Gala Day
18 August: Year 1 Chapel
21-25 August: Book Week
25 August: Kindergarten Chapel
24 August: Book Parade Dress up Day
30 August: Fathers Day Stall
1 September: Year 6 and Fathers Day Chapel
6-8 September: Year 4-6 Camp
11-15 September: Dental Visit
15 September: Year 5 and Camp Chapel
22 September: Club Chapel
22 September: Term 3 Ends