Term 3, Week 2

From the Principal

Dear Parents,

I really enjoyed hearing Year 4 talk this morning about having a growth mindset instead of a fixed mindset. It was wonderful to hear them reflect on their own gifts/talents and how they’ve used a growth mindset to apply themselves to all tasks. We had a great week at school and there are so many of our students who continue to implement goal setting and a positive mindset in all they do.

Congratulations to all of our amazing students who represented the school at CSSA Zone Athletics on Monday. They all did brilliantly and our Zone team finished 6th out of 12 schools, which is our best result ever. A big congratulations to the team and everyone who represented them so well.

A special congratulations to the following students who placed in the top 5:

Junior Girls relay team (Aurora F., Willow S., Isabella G., Valeti T.)
Benji R.(10’s Shot put)

Levi K. (12/13’s Boys Long Jump)

Benji R. (10’s Boys Discus)
Jonathan K. (12/13’s Boys High Jump)
Boaz K. (11’s Boys High Jump)

Toakase M. (10’s Girls Discus)
Joshua D. (10’s Boys Shot put)

Toakase M. (10’s Girls Shot put)

I wanted to touch base about something that’s come up recently and just to remind everyone of the correct processes. For the most part our kids get on very well with each other, we are very blessed. However, occasionally, our kids do experience disagreements and conflict at school. This is a normal part of children navigating childhood. 

Lately, I have noticed that when these issues arise, there seems to be more of a trend of parents going directly to address the issue with other parents in hopes of resolving issues. While I know everyone has the best intentions, this can sometimes create more confusion than clarity. 

If your child is facing an issue with another child, please reach out to their teacher. We value the wonderful relationships we have with our parents and are always here to listen and help. Most of the time, issues can be solved and generally some coaching fixes most of this, on the very rare occasions more serious action needs to be taken, the school will do so. Going and speaking with the other child’s parents or approaching the child directly creates more problems than it solves. It also disempowers our teachers, as they are left in a position where quasi agreements have been made between parents and students, that they have no idea about. 

By talking directly with the school, you help strengthen the connection between home and school. It shows trust in our ability to address concerns and helps us all work together to support your child. This kind of teamwork is so important in creating a positive and welcoming environment for everyone.

Part of our role as a school is to make sure any issues are handled quickly and in the best way possible, keeping our school community positive and strong, please continue to trust us to do this.

Thank you for your understanding and support!

My door is always open,

Joe Britton 

Lunch Orders

Our Term 3 Lunch Orders are open! Thank you again to Georgette and her team for providing this service to our school community.

Lunch orders will take place every Friday for Term 3, starting Friday the 2nd of August 2024.

If you would like to volunteer and help out with the lunch order preparations, please be so kind as to email Mrs. Jordaan.

Please see below the menu and associated link for you to order the lunch orders for the term.

Week 3, 16 Aug: Chicken, lettuce and mayo roll with or without a drink (click here)

Week 4, 23 Aug: Pasta and red sauce with or without a drink (click here)

Week 5, 30 Aug: Sausage Roll with or without a drink (click here)

Week 6, 6 Sept: Rice with chicken and meat with or without a drink (click here)

Week 7, 13 Sept: Chicken burger with or without a drink (click here)

Week 8, 20 Sept: Ham, cheese and tomato sandwich with or without a drink (click here)

Week 9, 27 Sept: Sausage Sizzle with or without a drink (click here)

A reminder our orders close on Thursdays at 11am.

If you have any questions, please email or speak with Mrs. Jordaan (pa@hpcs.nsw.edu.au).

Musical Ticket Sale is live!!!

We are very excited to announce that our Musical ticket sales are now live.

You can access the tickets for the 12th and 13th of September by clicking here.

Come and support all the hard work our students have put in to make this musical come to life.

There will be food available before the musical, so come hungry!

Book Week Celebrations.

It’s time to get out the scissors, paint, glue and cardboard and start creating costumes for our annual Book Parade and Book Fair! The book parade will be on Thursday 22nd August in the gym after morning assembly and everyone is welcome to come. It’s always a fun event and the children’s costumes wildly impressive. We hope you have as much fun making them as we have seeing what book character they have chosen to come dressed up as.

There will be a prize awarded for the best costume in each class (which is the hardest
thing Mrs Auckett must do all year) and as a reminder, the prize is awarded based on
originality and effort. Could we also ask that as your child will be in costume all day
care is given to their comfort and safety.

On Thursday and Friday we will be running our annual Book Fair in the Library where
our students will have the chance to buy books and stationery items. Parents will also
be welcome to come before or after school on those days. More information about the
Book Fair will be sent out closer to the day.

Zone Athletics Carnival.

Congratulations to the 32 students who qualified to participate at Zone Athletics held on Monday the 5th of August. They had a fantastic day with 8 students and the girls relay team placing top 5 in their individual finals. We are very proud of each one of you.

Students of the Week

Congratulations to the following students for receiving Merit Awards this week:

Kindergarten – S
Mia G. for her amazing effort in the “Potato Olympics” this week.
Emila H. for consistent effort in all lessons!
Estée F. for enthusiastic and resilience shown when learning new skills in Sport!

Kindergarten – G
Bernice U. for consistently lending a helping hand.
Sylvi P. for being a respectful learner.
Sarah P. for correctly ordering numbers from smallest to largest.

Year 1
Levi S. for insightful comments during class discussion.
Jessica J. for a fantastic start at HopePoint Christian School.
Eliza K. for improved confidence and skills when reading aloud.

Year 2
Julia A. for constructing a paragraph with strong arguments in Writing.
Bradley D. for excellent cricket skills in Sport.
Emma W. for her dedication to her work in reading groups.

Year 3
Elijah F. for assisting his peers in class.
Mia A. for having a great start at HopePoint Christian School.
Max W. for his great effort in using positional language in Maths.
Nathaniel M. for creating a detailed map in Mathematics.

Year 4
Leon K. for always applying our school values.
Oriana P. for her accurate spelling when writing.
Alannah T. for applying her creativity in PDH.
Mia C. for her willingness to serve offers.
Hudson S. for being a kind classmate.

Year 5
Chris J. for displaying an enthusiastic approach to all learning tasks!
Patrick O. for being a kind, compassionate and helpful member of Year 5.
Toakase M. for her outstanding effort at the Zone Athletics Carnival.

Year 6
Aiden C. for his brilliant work in solving word problems with decimals. 
Patrick M. for applying himself and taking great responsibility for his learning. 

Pen Licences:
Leon K.

Save the Dates: Upcoming Dates

09 August: Year 4 Chapel
12 August: Musical Rehearsals
16 August: Year 3 Chapel
19 August: Musical Rehearsals
19 August: Book week
20 August: Book week
21 August: Book week
22 August: Book Parade
23 August: Book Week
23 August: Year 2 Chapel
26 August: Musical Rehearsals
30 August: Father’s Day Chapel
02 September: Musical Rehearsals
06 September: Year 1 Chapel
09 September: Musical Rehearsals
12 September: Musical Showcase
13 September: Musical Showcase
13 September: No Chapel
18 September: Year 4 – 6 Camp
19 September: Year 4 – 6 Camp
20 September: Year 4 – 6 Camp
20 September: KS Chapel
27 September: KG Chapel
27 September: End of Term 3