Term 3, Week 1

From the Principal

Welcome back to Term 3!

A warm welcome back to all of our families. I trust and pray you had a restful and enjoyable holiday. One of the lovely things has been seeing all of our students so excited and running straight back into learning.

I’ve included below a paraphrased message that I shared with students this week at morning assembly. That, I thought as parents, you may be interested in:

As you return to your classrooms, I encourage you to build meaningful friendships with your fellow classmates. Our school community is founded on kindness, respect, and support and by fostering strong bonds with one another, you create an environment where everyone can thrive and feel valued.

Do your best in class, take risks in your learning, share ideas, write interesting pieces of writing, don’t be afraid of getting answers wrong, be teachable and be open to feedback. 

Let us also remember the importance of taking care of ourselves, both physically and mentally. God has blessed us with these bodies and minds, and it is our responsibility to nurture them. Strive for a balanced life that includes rest, exercise, and a healthy diet. In doing so, you’ll be better equipped to face challenges and achieve your goals.

Above all, remember that each one of you is uniquely called by God for a purpose. Seek His guidance through prayer and reading His word, and be open to His leading in your lives. Embrace your individual gifts and talents, for they are the tools God has given you to make a difference in the world.

As we embark on this journey in Term 3, let us support one another, uplift one another, and walk hand in hand in our pursuit of excellence. Together, we can be all that God has called us to be, both as individuals and as a collective. I am excited to witness your growth, achievements, and the positive impact you will make in the lives of others. 

A big congratulations to Miss Emma Lord who has been nominated for the Australian Teachers Aide of the year. This is a wonderful achievement for Miss Lord to be nominated. Miss Lord has been working incredibly hard over the last six years to support many of our students in a wide range of areas. Her professionalism, dedication and ability to work with many of our students who have specific needs is well deserved. If you see her around, please congratulate Miss Lord on this wonderful achievement. 

I wanted to communicate some staffing changes that have taken place and thank staff for their efforts.

Mrs Sarah Watling (Principal’s PA) will be working at the preschool from now on. Mrs Watling has done a wonderful job in supporting the executive of the school and will be greatly missed. 

Mrs Susan Smallwood (Teachers Aide) has taken up a position in aged care and decided to finish up at the end of next week. We greatly appreciate Mrs Smallwood’s efforts and all her support of our students over the last three years.

Becki Barnes (Counsellor) has finished up, as she is very busy with her outside practice. She has made a great impact this year and we wish her all the best. 

My door is always open

Joe Britton 

Lunch Orders

Our Term 3 Lunch Orders return NEXT WEEK! Thank you again to Georgette and her team for providing this service to our school community.

Please see below the menu and associated links for you to order lunches.

2 August 2023 – Sausage roll or meat pie with or without a drink (click here)
9 August 2023 – Chicken, lettuce and mayonnaise roll with or without a drink (click here)
16 August 2023 – Cheese pizza with or without a drink (click here)
23 August 2023 – Cheeseburger with or without a drink (click here)
30 August 2023 – Sausage on a roll with or without a drink (click here)
6 September 2023 – Chicken burger with lettuce and mayonnaise with or without a drink (click here)
13 September 2023 – Napolitana Pasta/Chicken Tender with or without a drink (click here)
20 September 2023 – Five chicken nuggets and chips with or without a drink (click here)

A reminder our orders close on Tuesdays at 11am.

If you have any questions, please email or speak with Mrs Watling (sarah@hpcs.nsw.edu.au).

The Knitting Club Needs Your Help!

Knitting Club needs your help! We are hoping to start knitting with some students this term in clubs. If you have knitting needles between the size of 4mm to 8mm that we can borrow, please send them to school with a name on it, and we will make sure it gets back to you safe and sound at the end of the term. Thank you so much!


Congratulations to three families in our school community who welcomed brand new members to their families!

Mr Kelly and his wife Rosie, welcomed Finley James Kelly last Thursday, 20 July 2023.

Mr and Mrs Esho welcomed their daughter Joelle and Mr and Mrs Poposki welcomed their daughter, Gabriella.

Joelle Esho

Gabriella Poposki

Students of the Week

Congratulations to the following students for receiving Merit Awards this week:

Elysse Mossawer for her confidence in class discussions.
Benjamin Ramos Rodrigues for an effort in spelling.
Harvey Schofield for showing our school value of respect.

Year 1
Matthew Candray Alas for a fantastic effort in Maths.
Xavier Gomez for an amazing first week at HPCS.
Isaac Kaufmann for a brilliant attitude towards learning. 

Year 2
Joshua Esho for putting himself in a character’s shoes in writing lessons.
Max Wollo for showing attentiveness and focus in class.
Riley Isip for thinking deeply and sharing ideas during class discussions. 

Year 3 
Joshua Dening for his great effort in Teeball. 
Lilia Abdulbaki for showing great enthusiasm when creating art in class. 
Guilherme Magalhaes for participating well in Sport this week. 

Year 4
Tahlia Mossawer for her insightful contributions in class discussions.
Maria Luiza Goncalves Ribeiro for her determination and focus at all times.
Patrick O’Brien for maintaining a growth mindset. 

Year 5
Kevin Simpson for listening carefully and responding thoughtfully in class discussion.
Gabriel Houssami for for working diligently at spelling tasks.

Year 6
Immanuel Poposki for producing an outstanding podcast for history.
Anna Barnes for creating a brilliant stop motion animation.
Elisa Georges for writing an impressive narrative in writing.

Save the Dates: Upcoming Dates

2 August: Lunch Orders resume
4 August: Year 4 Chapel
15 August: Year 3 Excursion to ANSTO
16 August: 100 Days of Kindergarten Celebration
17 August: CSSA OzTag Gala Day
21-25 August: Book Week
24 August: Book Parade Dress up Day
30 August: Fathers Day Stall
1 September: Fathers Day Chapel
6-8 September: Year 4-6 Camp
11-15 September: Dental Visit
22 September: Term 3 Ends