Term 2 , Week 10

From the Principal

Dear Parents,

This is the last newsletter for the term.

I pray you all have a blessed three weeks not having to drop your children off to school, worry about cleaning uniforms, making lunches etc. 

It was lovely to see so many of you at P/T interviews on Tuesday and Wednesday and chat with some of you about how your children are progressing. I wanted to say a big thank you for your contributions over the term and your heart for our little school. We are incredibly blessed to have the strong parental support that we have.

I also want to thank the staff who all see their work as a ministry, not just a job, and everyday sow seeds into their future. They do a wonderful job, and I am incredibly grateful to have a great team of committed Christian teachers guiding our children. 

I’ve been reading the book of Jeremiah. Interestingly, when God calls Jeremiah to be a prophet, Jeremiah replies that he is only a child and that he can’t speak eloquently (Jeremiah 1:6). God’s response is that despite his age, that he will use Jeremiah greatly and the call of God unfolds in his life. Sometimes we think that the call of God is a destination we get to when we are older. However, God uses children all the time to fulfill His plans and purposes but also to shape character. I had a boy in Year 2 come and tell me this week about how he is so excited about teaching his younger brother how to read at night and helping him prepare for school. I remember thinking, what a beautiful way that God is using this young man to make a difference in the life of his siblings. There are many other examples of friendships, kindness, learning and everything in between, where God has used your children to fulfill his redemptive purpose. 

If you are looking for things to do with your children during the holidays, I have included a holiday challenge that I found, I really like and perhaps might help to relieve any boredom, whilst also doing something productive with your children. There is also a basketball camp happening in the school gym over the holidays which might be of interest the flyer is below in the newsletter. There is also a space camp happening, which might be of interest, there is no online flyer, the flyers are in the office, if you’d like to pick them up this afternoon. 

Also if you are looking for a parenting book to read in the holidays. I would wholeheartedly recommend a book called “the anxious generation” by Jonathan Haidt. It is not light reading nor is it written from a Christian context. It is, however, an amazing summary of research into smartphones and social media and the impact they are having on our kids and the mental health of adolescents. 


Congratulations to Mrs Davila’s news club, these budding journalists have produced an excellent termly newspaper which you can look at. The newspaper will be attached to the email this newsletter is sent out in.

Finally and selfishly; could I ask for your prayers over the holidays. I am traveling to Zimbabwe for 11 days to run some teacher training workshops in Christian Schools. Please pray I would be safe and I’d return to Ruthie and the kids in one piece! Also that God would use me to fulfill His plans and spread the beauty of Christian Education to this part of the world! 

Please stay safe over the next three weeks. May the Lord bless you and keep you, may his face shine upon you, may he turn his countenance upon you and give you peace. I look very much forward to seeing you when school returns on Monday the 29th of July.

My door is always open,

Joe Britton 

Volunteers Needed for Musical Props.

Our musical rehearsals are underway and we would love your help! We are looking for some parent helpers who would be interested in preparing props (cutting/painting/building/paper machè-ing) and/or sewing costumes. If you are skilled in this area, and willing to volunteer some time, please contact mrsbritton@hpcs.nsw.edu.au so that we can get you involved in this process.

Basketball Holiday Clinic.

Sports-X in partnership with Notorious Basketball Academy, will be running a basketball holiday clinic at our school gym .

The clinic is aimed towards students from the ages of 5-14 years old.

Please see the below flyer for more information.

Students of the Week

Congratulations to the following students for receiving Merit Awards this week:

Kindergarten – S
Elizabeth A. for her amazing effort in creating a picture book!
Estée F. for showing excellence in literacy!

Kindergarten – G
Sarah P. for working hard in Literacy lessons.
Tevita M. for trying his best to complete set tasks. 

Year 1
Israel I. for insightful responses during Bible lessons
Amaris N. for an excellent excursion recount
Harvey S. for a creative narrative plan
Ava. for fantastic segmenting in Writing
Sari T. for improved Literacy skills
Tim V. for his excellent whole number knowledge 

Year 2
Elizabeth G. for active participation in class discussions.
Serenity L. for an amazing example of a simile in her writing.
Ava A. for creating an excellent Venn diagram in writing.
Alexis S. for showing kindness and encouragement to her peers.

Year 3
Max W. for his great effort in Maths lessons.
Cruz E. for contributing to class discussions.
Vika T. for working fairly with others in group tasks.
Riley I. for her enthusiasm in drama lessons.

Year 4
Lilia A. for identifying patterns when spelling.
Benjamin G. for setting goals in his own learning.
Estevao R. for his iconic Australian artwork.

Year 5
Patrick O. for excellent contributions to all class discussions!
Bryan S. for an impressive effort in Sport!
Jonathan G. for always trying his best with completing all classwork!

Year 6
Laura C. for her receptiveness to feedback.
Isabella P. for her consistent hard working attitude.

Pen Licences:
Emily G.

Save the Dates: Upcoming Dates

29 July: Start of Term 3
29 July: Musical Rehearsals
05 August: Zone Athletics Carnival
05 August: Musical Rehearsals