Term 2 , Week 1

From the Principal

Dear Parents, 

Welcome to Term 2!

I hope and pray that you and your children had a good break and that you were able to spend time with your family. 

I had another holiday of random encounters with many of you, it seems our HPCS family is spread far and wide. Some destinations I ran into HPCS students and families during these holidays included: Sydney Zoo, a vietnamese restaurant in Cabramatta, Minchinbury plaza, Chipping Norton Markets, Wattle Grove shops and Carls Jnr at Nowra! It’s always a surprise when I am  tucking into a bowl of Pho or a Burger, to hear my name being yelled across the restaurant, but it’s always nice nonetheless. 

We’ve had a great first week back of term, lots of learning and fun, with our continued focus on ensuring that we are maximising learning time each day. 

Thanks to many of you who commented on the school’s appearance on 7 news this week, it all happened very quickly, but I’m thankful for the opportunity for us to represent our school on a wide scale. 


Since I’ve been at the school, I don’t ever remember more events being held in a month. In the next month we have: Cross Country, Mothers Day Stall, Mothers Day Chapel, Cyber safety sessions, Athletics Carnival, Girls Soccer Gala day, School Photos and Year 6 camp. Mix that in with sport trainings, incursions and musical rehearsals and this all helps to ensure our students have an engaging holistic education. 

In saying that, I also know that the myriad of permission notes can be annoying. We have started some conversations about having an app for the school, which should hopefully be ready by 2025. Which will mean simply clicking on a button to give permission, rather than the constant stream of paper. But thank you for your understanding nonetheless. 

Can I particularly ask for you to strongly consider attending the Cyber safety sessions after the Mothers Day Chapel next week. David the presenter, is a sought after speaker to parents and I know will give great value and ideas and education to your family in this extremely important space. I’ll be attending with my parent hat on, really keen to know what I can do to ensure my children stay safe online as they get older. 

Christian Education:

You may be aware of the current discussions surrounding potential limitations on the hiring practices of Christian schools, particularly regarding the freedom to employ staff based on shared faith values. Legislation is being considered that could prohibit schools like ours from prioritizing Christian educators in the hiring process. In essence, this means we might not have the freedom to select teachers who align with our faith. This is a brief summary, and there’s much more to it. For those interested and passionate about this issue, there will be a meeting at Regents Park Christian School on Monday the 6th, gathering all Christian Schools in NSW. All parents are invited to attend. The flyer is down the bottom. 


To our two Kindy classes on the fun and their behaviour at the Farm yesterday. We had lots of positive feedback about how wonderful our students were. I had the pleasure of driving one of the buses and hearing all of their excitement was very special. My thanks to Mrs. Stevens for coordinating the opportunity so well.

My door is always open,

Joe Britton

Lunch Orders

Our Term 2 Lunch Orders are open! Thank you again to Georgette and her team for providing this service to our school community.

Lunch orders will take place every Friday for Term 2, starting Friday the 10th of May 2024.

If you would like to volunteer and help out with the lunch order preparations, please be so kind as to email Mrs. Jordaan.

Please see below the menu and associated link for you to order the lunch orders for the term.

10 May: Sausage Roll with a piece of fruit, with or without a drink (Click here)

14 May: Sausage Sizzle, with or without a drink (Click here)

24 May: Ham, Cheese and Tomato Sandwich, with or without a drink (Click here)

31 May: Chicken, lettuce and mayo rolls, with or without a drink (Click here)

7 June: Cheeseburger with or without a drink (Click here)

14 June: Chicken Pasta Salad, with Peas, Corn, Carrots and Mayo with or without a drink (Click here)

21 June: Chicken burger with lettuce and mayo, with or without a drink (Click here)

28 June: Rice with meat and chicken with or without a drink (Click here)

5 July: Sausage Sizzle with or without a drink (Click here)

A reminder our orders close on Thursdays at 11am.

If you have any questions, please email or speak with Mrs. Jordaan (pa@hpcs.nsw.edu.au).

Whole School Photos

Our whole school photos will be taken on Thursday 23rd of May. Envelopes with the photo packages will be handed out next week in class.

Please ensure your child has the full correct winter uniform for the photo day.

Sport House Shirts.

Our new Sport House Shirts have arrived. They are available at the uniform shop for $20 each.

These shirts cannot be worn on Wednesdays for sport but only for the following occasions:
-Swimming carnival
-Athletics carnival
-Cross country

The shirts are not compulsory to buy, students can still wear any appropriate item of their sport house colour.

School Uniform .

Our two week turnover period will start next week . During this time either the complete Summer or the complete Winter uniform can be worn, but not a mixture of the two. Full winter uniform needs to be worn, by 20 May 2024, after these two weeks.

Unfortunately our new winter tracksuit pants will not here until the end of May. All students that do not currently have tracksuit pants can either wear their sport shorts, or if you are worried about the colder weather, they are allowed to wear any plain dark green tracksuit pants without any logo’s on. The old winter sportswear is still appropriate too.

Currently the uniform shop operates Tuesday to Thursday. However, appointments can be booked on Tuesdays to Fridays during office hours by sending an email to uniforms@hpcs.nsw.edu.au.

Mother’s Day Stall

Next Wednesday 8th May, there will be a Mother’s Day stall held at school between 9-11 am. Students will have the opportunity to shop for a small gift at the stall. Gifts will be $2 to $7.

There will also be a stall selling Handmade Keyrings for $10 by one of our previous student’s mother. If you think your child would like to purchase a key ring please send them with $10. 

If there are any mothers who would like to help sell gifts between 9-11 am please SMS Melanie Coorey on 0414835925. 

Faith in our future.

Sydney Town Hall Faith in Our Future event, hosted by Regents Park Christian School is coming up soon on Monday 6 May.

This event is a key moment in time to bring together a large group of supporters to celebrate the good work of Christian schools and communicate any concerns with the recommendations of the ALRC report.

If anyone would like to attend, please find all the information in the flyer below.

Save the Dates: Upcoming Dates

06 May: Musical Rehearsals
06 May: Summer/Winter uniform
08 May: Mother’s Day Stall
08 May: Year 2- 6 Cross Country
10 May: Mother’s Day Chapel
10 May: Cyber safety training sessions
13 May: Girls Soccer Gala Day
13 May: Musical Rehearsals
13 May: Sumer / Winter Uniform
14 May: Athletics Carnival @ The Crest
17 May: Year 6 Chapel
20 May: Winter Uniform
20 May: Musical Rehearsals
22 May: Simultaneous Story Time
23 May: Whole School Photos
24 May: Year 5 Chapel
27 May: Musical Rehearsals
30 May: Year 6 Canberra Camp
31 May: Year 6 Canberra Camp
31 May: Year 4 Chapel
31 May: State Cross Country
03 June: Boys Soccer Gala Day
03 June: Girls Netball Gala Day
07 June: Year 3 Chapel
10 June: King’s Birthday
14 June: Year 2 Chapel
17 June: Musical Rehearsals
20 June: Known Waste Program
21 June: Year 1 Chapel
24 June: Musical Rehearsals
27 June: 100 Days of Kindergarten
28 June: KS Chapel
01 July: Musical Rehearsals
02 July: Parent /Teacher Interviews
03 July: Parent /Teacher Interviews
05 July: KG Chapel
05 July: End of Term 2