Term 3, Week 7

From the Principal

Dear Parents,

What a Whale of a time we had at HPCS!

Thank you so much for coming and supporting our musical on Thursday and Friday night. 

I was astounded at the amount of people who came to celebrate our students with us. We had over 1000 people come and visit the school across both nights, what a celebration! I couldn’t believe that people turned up nearly two hours before the show on Friday, I’ve never seen anything that resembled the line at the door on Friday night at our school, and thanks for your patience as that line went all the way up to the preschool. It took me less time to get through immigration in Zimbabwe, which is saying something! Thanks for your patience and understanding. Thank you also for ensuring your children were there on time on both nights and for the commitment to give up two nights in the busyness of life to ensure your child participated in this school celebration. 

It really was an amazing celebration of our students and God’s love. In the middle of the lights, acting, popcorn and everything else, the show was really not about all those things and my prayer is that you were encouraged that God’s love really doesn’t stop! Sometimes, children have a way of encouraging us as adults, I hope you felt this encouragement. 

One of the things that makes our musicals great, is that EVERYONE gets to participate in the musical, this is a very special and rare thing, as everyone gets to have a go, not just a select few students who can act. I loved seeing everyone on stage, from the talented dancers and singers, to maybe those students who had to really push themselves just to have a go but they had huge smiles on their faces in the process. In previous musicals, we have just had kids dancing, this was the first time we’ve had every class singing their own songs- it was a special thing to hear. 

I want to pay tribute to the 19 cast members, who gave up a huge amount of time, to learn all the dances, learn their lines and learn how to act! In particular to our five leads: Levi, Lucy, Rai, Willow and Amelia. The quality of your acting was superb. All of them were in their first show and I don’t think any had ever done any kind of performance of this nature before. I am so proud of them and the other students. 

Finally, to our staff, all of whom had to manage their normal jobs whilst also having to put countless hours into music props, costumes, lighting etc, thank you so much. In particular to Mrs Britton and Mrs Davila. The amount of work that went into putting that on was staggering! We honor you and we don’t take it lightly.


Our year 4-6 camp is happening on Wednesday-Friday this week. Parents, please have your children at school by 8.30am! 

I will be away during these three days with the students, so any urgent issues can be directed to the office or to Mrs. Davila.

My door is always open,

Joe Britton 

Lunch Orders

Our Term 3 Lunch Orders are open! Thank you again to Georgette and her team for providing this service to our school community.

Lunch orders will take place every Friday for Term 3, starting Friday the 2nd of August 2024.

If you would like to volunteer and help out with the lunch order preparations, please be so kind as to email Mrs. Jordaan.

Please see below the menu and associated link for you to order the lunch orders for the term.

Week 8, 20 Sept: Ham, cheese and tomato sandwich with or without a drink (click here)

Week 9, 27 Sept: Sausage Sizzle with or without a drink (click here)

A reminder our orders close on Thursdays at 11am.

If you have any questions, please email or speak with Mrs. Jordaan (pa@hpcs.nsw.edu.au).

Summer Uniform.

The following two weeks, starting Monday 16 September, children will wear full summer uniform only.

If you need any uniform items, please email uniforms@hpcs.nsw.edu.au to make a uniform appointment with Ms. Hilton.

Jonah: A Fishy Tale!

Thank you to May Bailey for all her amazing musical photos. Here are a few to enjoy.

Save the Dates: Upcoming Dates

18 September: Year 4 – 6 Camp
19 September: Year 4 – 6 Camp
20 September: Year 4 – 6 Camp
20 September: KS Chapel
27 September: KG Chapel
27 September: End of Term 3