Term 2 , Week 4

From the Principal

Dear Parents,

I hope you had a great week.

It was great to have a more normal week at school and thank you for your prayers of our staff as we had them all back on deck this week.

Cross Country:

Congratulations to all of our students who ran so well on Wednesday’s Cross Country. It was a wonderful day and thanks also to all of the parents that came and supported.


This Thursday and Friday our Year 6 students are going on a camp to Canberra, it will be a wonderful experience, please pray the weather is good and they have a great time. I will be going with them, Mrs Davila will be in charge on Thursday and Friday.

Coffee Trailer: 

The church is looking for someone to man the coffee trailer and make coffees on Mondays and Tuesdays. This is a paid position. Please email sarah@hopepoint.org.au if you are interested in the position.


Once again to Mr Coronado on the birth of his baby girl, here is a photo!

My door is always open,

Joe Britton 

Lunch Orders

Our Term 2 Lunch Orders are open! Thank you again to Georgette and her team for providing this service to our school community.

Lunch orders will take place every Friday for Term 2, starting Friday the 10th of May 2024.

If you would like to volunteer and help out with the lunch order preparations, please be so kind as to email Mrs. Jordaan.

Please see below the menu and associated link for you to order the lunch orders for the term.

31 May: Chicken, lettuce and mayo rolls, with or without a drink (Click here)

7 June: Cheeseburger with or without a drink (Click here)

14 June: Chicken Pasta Salad, with Peas, Corn, Carrots and Mayo with or without a drink (Click here)

21 June: Chicken burger with lettuce and mayo, with or without a drink (Click here)

28 June: Rice with meat and chicken with or without a drink (Click here)

5 July: Sausage Sizzle with or without a drink (Click here)

A reminder our orders close on Thursdays at 11am.

If you have any questions, please email or speak with Mrs. Jordaan (pa@hpcs.nsw.edu.au).

Bring your instrument to school.

Many students told me last term that they are learning to play an instrument at home and they would love a chance to show me their skills. I will be opening up the music room on Tuesday 28th May from 8:30am – 8:50am and at lunch for students to come and show me their instruments if they wish to.

I would love to give them the opportunity to play something short for me as well. It will be very informal. I will not be providing any training or lessons on the day, rather just an opportunity for me to hear and see what they already know. My hope is that we can open up more opportunities as the year goes by for students to link their home music learning into the school context.

I have a piano in the room for piano students to use if they wish, otherwise all other instruments will need to be brought into school for the day and can be stored securely in the music room store room. Please make sure they are clearly labelled.

Mrs. Britton

HPCS Athletics Carnival.

We are so thankful that we were able to continue with our Athletics Carnival on Tuesday. We had a very successful day participating under the warm sun. We had amazing performances from all our students.

Thank you to all the parents who came to support and help out on the day. We are very blessed with a beautiful school community.

HPCS Cross Country

On Wednesday we had our HPCS Cross Country at school. All our students participated in a 500m , 2km or 3km race.

We had an amazing time cheering our students on and enjoying a run in the fresh air and beautiful sunshine.

Thank you again to May Bailey for her amazing photos.

Barista Vacancy

HopePoint Church has a barista vacancy for Monday and Tuesday mornings from 8 to 11 am. Additional casual days can be discussed. For any further information and pay rate please contact Sarah Watling at sarah@hopepointchurch.org.au .

Students of the Week

Congratulations to the following students for receiving Merit Awards this week:

Kindergarten – S
Lucca R. for consistently trying his best in all lessons!
Elizabeth A. for showing excellence in Literacy!
Estée F. for outstanding effort in Maths!

Kindergarten – G
Jude G. for the attention to detail he applies to all tasks. 
Natalie M. for working well and applying herself to tasks. 
Sylvi P. for being an independent student with a great love of learning. 

Year 1
Arabella B. for a great start at HPCS!
Taylor P. for showing kindness and encouragement.
Benjamin R. R. for improved reading fluency.

Year 2
Xavier G. for creating an amazing column graph in Maths.
Isaac K. for his outstanding participation in the Cross Country

Year 3
Naiya A. for using high modality words in her persuasive writing.
Rosie G. for using engaging language to write persuasive texts.
Dioven B. for settling in well at HopePoint and being eager to learn.
Hannah O. for being a focused and dedicated learner.

Year 4
Willow S. for her consistent approach to school work.
Marcus C. for his outstanding effort in Soundwaves.
Emily G. for her courage when doing challenge tasks.
Jonatas B. for his awesome effort in segmenting.

Year 5
Josephine K. for an outstanding effort at the cross country.
Emily H. for producing an impressive short story during creative writing.
Maria Luiza G. R. for consistently having a great attitude towards all learning tasks.

Year 6
Giulio C. for his enthusiastic approach using adverbial clauses in sentence writing.
Julia T. M. for her love of learning and always asking questions to clarify understanding.

Pen Licences:
Jackson E.

Save the Dates: Upcoming Dates

27 May: Musical Rehearsals
30 May: Year 6 Canberra Camp
31 May: Year 6 Canberra Camp
31 May: Year 4 Chapel
31 May: State Cross Country
03 June: Boys Soccer Gala Day
03 June: Girls Netball Gala Day
07 June: Year 3 Chapel
10 June: King’s Birthday
14 June: Year 2 Chapel
17 June: Musical Rehearsals
20 June: Known Waste Program
21 June: Year 1 Chapel
24 June: Musical Rehearsals
27 June: 100 Days of Kindergarten
28 June: KS Chapel
01 July: Musical Rehearsals
02 July: Parent /Teacher Interviews
03 July: Parent /Teacher Interviews
05 July: KG Chapel
05 July: End of Term 2