Term 4, Week 4

From the Principal

Dear Parents,

On Thursday we had our leaders’ speeches for next year, 10 of our amazing Year 5 students, talking about what the school meant to them and why they’d be a good fit for a leader at our school.

There were many things that stood out: The passion and the appreciation for our school. Followed closely by the desire to serve and make a difference to younger students. Also the strong friendships that have been made and talked about. 

Our Years 1-5 students and teachers then voted on who they think would be the best male and female leader and then next week they will have an interview with myself and Mrs Davila, to determine the best fit for the various leadership roles. 

These things are hard to do, stand in front of people and speak, I was incredibly proud of all of our Year 5’s for doing this so well and being tremendous advocates for our school. 


As you may have seen, we have a new school bus! It looks amazing and is an answer to prayer. We are busy taking all of the students on the bus run each day. It will also be great to take this to carnivals, excursions and other school activities. 

Finishing well: 

As we approach the end of another exciting school year, it’s a perfect time to reflect on the values and lessons that we have learned throughout the year. One of the most important virtues we’ve emphasized is kindness, especially in our playground interactions. This kindness shapes our school culture but also helps us develop unity.

The playground is more than just a place for fun and games; it’s a microcosm of the world, a place where children learn essential life skills. We’ve dedicated time and effort this year to teach our students that kindness isn’t just a word, but a way of life. It’s about being respectful, considerate, and compassionate towards one another, even in the heat of competition.

In the tiredness and towards the end of year, I’ve noticed more incidents popping up in the playground where students seem to have forgotten the importance of this. We need to continue to emphasise this key virtue as a school and parents and make sure that this is at the cornerstone of who we are. 

My door is always open,

Joe Britton 

Lunch Order!

Our Term 4 Lunch Orders! Thank you again to Georgette and her team for providing this service to our school community.

Please see below the menu and associated links for you to order lunches.

8 November : Cheeseburger with or without a drink (Click Here)

15 November : Chicken, Lettuce and Mayo Wrap with or without a drink (Click Here)

22 November : Chicken Burger with option to remove lettuce or mayo with or without a drink (Click Here)

29 November : Sausage Sizzle with or without a drink (Click Here)

6 December : Chicken Tenders and Chips with or without a drink (Click Here)

A reminder our orders close on Tuesdays at 11am.

If you have any questions, please email or speak with Mrs Jordaan (pa@hpcs.nsw.edu.au).

2024 School Dates

Term 1 

Teaching StaffMonday22 January 2024
Years 1-6Monday29 January 2024
KindergartenWednesday31 January 2024
Whole school Friday12 April 2024
11 weeks

Australia Day Holiday: Friday 26 January
Easter Public Holidays: Friday 29 March – Monday 1 April 
Anzac Day Public Holiday: Thursday 25 April (in school holidays)

Term 2

Whole SchoolMonday29 April 2024
Whole SchoolFriday5 July 2024
10 weeks

Mother’s Day: Sunday 12 May
King’s Birthday Public holiday: Monday 10 June

Term 3

Teaching StaffMonday 22 July 2024
StudentsMonday29 July 2024
Whole SchoolFriday27 September 2024
9 weeks

Father’s Day: Sunday 1 September

Term 4

Whole SchoolMonday14 October 2024
Whole SchoolFriday6 December 2024
8 weeks

Labour Day Public Holiday: Monday 7 October (in school holidays)

Kindergarten Orientation

We would like to thank every staff member who took part in hosting our two Kindergarten Orientation Days the past two Fridays. Orientation is a day that we can introduce our new HopePoint families to each other and to the rest of the school’s students and community.

Thank you Mrs Stevens for a excellent performance of The Wombat Stew. It is wonderful to see our children’s talents.

We are very proud of our buddy system. Where a current year 5 or year 4 students will be paired with a new Kindy. Before they arrive for orientation the buddies will exchange letters to each other and introduce themselves. This is a big excitement not only for our current students, but also for the new Kindies. We look forward to new lasting friendships that will be formed at HPCS.

Students of the Week

Congratulations to the following students for receiving Merit Awards this week:

Eliza Koutellou for her outstanding improvement in Spelling!
Gabriel Birello for his outstanding effort in the Wombat stew performance!
Amaris Nguyen for her courage and determination in our swimming lessons!

Year 1
Ahavee Santos for excellent participation in literacy activities.
Ava Abdulbaki for excellent achievement in Spelling activities.
Melissa Baroni for consistently working hard and participating.
Elizabeth Giorgi for improved bowling skills in cricket.
Emma Watling for expressive and fluent reading.

Year 2
Emanuelle Pereira Dos Anjos for taking on feedback to improve her writing.
Elijah Francis for showing gentleness and discernment in all situations.
Joseph Coorey for responding positively to constructive feedback and applying it in writing.

Year 3
Leon Koutellou for showing kindness in the classroom. 
Olivia Godoy for working well in multiplying 2 digits by 1 digit numbers in maths. 
Nife Akanbi for always willing to give things a go. 

Year 4
Leon Poposki for his use of descriptive language in his writing.
Lais Balzano for designing and creating digital graphs.
Agatha Lima DaSilva for her willingness to participate in all learning activities.

Year 5
Enzo Bastos de Oliveira for working hard in fitness lessons.
Ezekiel Godoy for his focus in completing writing tasks.
Ivona Kuzmanovski for her efforts in our Reading program.

Year 6
Immanuel Poposki for an outstanding effort in Science!
Elisha Georges for consistently demonstrating our school value of kindness!
Caua Campos Ferreira for an excellent effort in Spelling!

Save the Dates: Upcoming Dates

6 November: 2024 Captains Interviews
8 November: Kindergarten Swimming Lesson
10 November: Year 1 Chapel
13 November: CSSA Year 5/ 6 Primary State Basketball GD
15 November: Kindergarten Swimming Lessons
16 November: Year 4 Excursion – Wattamolla
16 November: Year 5 Excursion – Bola Creek
17 November: Year 5 Chapel
20 November: CSSA Junior Primary State Basketball GD
22 November: Kindergarten Swimming Lessons
23 November: Stage One Excursion to Warragamba
24 November: Kindergarten Graduation Chapel
30 November: Year 6 to Jamberoo
7 December: Year 6 Graduation Dinner
8 December: Year 6 Presentation and Graduation Chapel
8 December: Term 4 Ends