Term 3, Week 6

From the Principal

I wanted to wish all of the Dads, grandparents, uncles and father figures in our community a blessed Fathers Day for this Sunday. 

It was great to see so many of you at our Fathers Day chapel today and we had such a fun time celebrating with you. I also want to thank Sharryn Rizk for organising another outstanding Fathers Day stall and for all of the wonderful work she puts in each year at our Mothers and Fathers Day stalls. My thanks also to the other parents who kindly gave up their time to help. 

The dads in our learning community are great men. They go about their business, work hard for their families, pick their kids up from school, serve in their churches, look out for each other and help others out. At our working bee last term, I remember thinking how blessed as a community our kids are to have Godly, hardworking and servant-hearted fathers to look up to.

I also acknowledge that for many of our parents and even some of our students; Fathers Day can be a difficult one to try and navigate, whether that is because your Dad is no longer here on earth or perhaps for a variety of different more complex reasons. I pray that today, your heavenly Father would comfort you and give you grace. 


We’ve noticed an increasing trend of lateness in our school this term. Please remember that school begins at 8.55am. I understand that many families travel from long distances and there are a variety of different factors that can impact your ability to be at school on time. However, it is important to remember that children being late for school impacts education outcomes. I have included a diagram to further explain this:

My door is always open.

Joe Britton 

Lunch Orders

Our Term 3 Lunch Orders! Thank you again to Georgette and her team for providing this service to our school community.

Please see below the menu and associated links for you to order lunches.

  • A kind reminder not to order for year 4 to 6 as they will be on the school camp next week.

    6 September 2023 – Chicken burger with lettuce and mayonnaise with or without a drink (click here)
    13 September 2023 – Napolitana Pasta/Chicken Tender with or without a drink (click here)
    20 September 2023 – Five chicken nuggets and chips with or without a drink (click here)

A reminder our orders close on Tuesdays at 11am.

If you have any questions, please email or speak with Mrs Jordaan (pa@hpcs.nsw.edu.au).

Book Week Wrap Up!

What a fabulous time we had here at HopePoint last week celebrating Book Week.  

A big thank you to the seven mums who came in and read a story to our classes.  It was a great way to kick off our week celebrating reading and books, and our children were excited to see their mums taking part.

Kindy – Mrs Nguyen
Year 1 – Mrs Plowes
Year 2 – Mrs Gorman
Year 3 – Mrs Koutellou
Year 4 – Mrs Mossawer
Year 5 – Mrs Bossard 
Year 6 – Mrs Lupo

We also had a visit from a real life author, Mrs Joanie Flowers (Morrie and Strings and the Brekkie-in-Bed Invention) who spoke first of all to a number of our parents on “Books are a Parent’s Game Changer”.  She spoke about the importance of reading with our children, and  gave lots of tips on how to make reading meaningful and fun.  She also spent some time with each stage group in the library, talking to them about what inspires her to write, and what the publication process is like.

And of course, no Book Week would be complete without our annual Book Parade.  What a wonderful time we had in the gym with everyone in costume.  A big thank you to all the parents who helped their children with those fabulous outfits!  As Mrs Auckett said, it’s getting harder each year to pick the best costume in each class. These are the winners this year:

Kindy – Levi
Year 1 – Emily and Nathaniel
Year 2 – Nathanial M
Year 3 – Ben
Year 4 – Tahlia
Year 5 – Levi
Year 6 – Allyssa

And finally, another thank you to everyone who purchased a book from our Book Fair.  Once again it was a tremendous success and as a result we have been able to buy a number of new books for our Library, including a complete set of the CBCA shortlisted books for 2023.

You can COUNT on us!

HopePoint Christian School strives to teach our students how academics can be implemented in our everyday lives.

As a part of our Maths studies this Term, students got hands-on experience measuring large areas of space. Year 5 went to The Crest to mathematically measure the football ovals and calculate their respective areas. Following this, they went back to school and discussed the differences between those larger areas of space and smaller ones such as the classroom and gymnasium.

Thank you to Mr Kelly and Mr Mattos for giving our students an opportunity to apply their knowledge outside of the classroom.

Happy Spring Day!

HPCS would like to wish everyone a happy spring day today.

“Spring adds new life and new beauty to all that is.” – Jessica Harrelson

Students of the Week

Congratulations to the following students for receiving Merit Awards this week:

Christian Everett for always being willing to help others!
Israel Ikhinobele for great enthusiasm during daily devotions!
Oscar Bennetts for contributing great ideas in writing!

Year 1
Helena Teixeira Oliveira for excellent class participation in drama.
Alexis Slabacu for consistent effort in spelling.


Year 2
Hannah Mesquita De Oliveira for showing patience and kindness towards others.
Valentina Cvetkov for having a joyful attitude towards all challenges.
Hope Kontominas for her thoughtful written responses to stories.

Year 3
Leon Koutellou for being a motivated learner when completing tasks.
Micaiah Nguyen for showing great listening skills during class discussions.
Alannah Theodore for always willing to learn and giving new things a go.

Year 4
Davi Dias for his effort and diligence across all KLAs.
Emily Hoang for her examples and illustrations of school values.
Elijah Isip for his positive attitude towards class work.

Year 5
Enzo Bastos de Oliveira for showing integrity on the playground.
Ezekiel Godoy for engaging deeply in Science lessons.

Year 6
Angelica Lupo for an outstanding effort in Sport! 
Allyssa Abdennour for an excellent effort in Maths!
Sam Dawes-Everett for showing great initiative when completing classwork!

Save the Dates: Upcoming Dates

6-8 September: Year 4-6 Camp
11-15 September: Dental Visit
15 September: Year 5 and Camp Chapel
22 September: Club Chapel
22 September: Term 3 Ends